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Thread: Project: '76 Golf GL - the resto begins!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Celestine View Post
    I'd be talking about a full respray and of course, NOT with a rattle can. I'd be there after 20 cans still trying to get things right. I'm getting a compressor and I've already got a spray gun I'd like to use in mind already. However, just need to be able to make a 'clean' environment to spray in...
    big plastic sheet and tonnes of tape
    2x Caddy, 1x Ducato

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I never drove a MK1 with RHD, but I heard that the braking effect is very badly. This based on the bell cranks or similar, which put the braking-pedal to the right side. Exist there any solution for make this better or what do you plan?

  3. #33
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    Basically. msichas right, a big drop sheet and some tape will give you a "clean" environment.

    The only issue is air flow. When I painted mine in the garage, there was little, to no airflow while we were painting. and as was evident when we opened the roller door, a bucket load of fumes and paint dust flew out! So if you do want to paint in the garage, be prepared to do alot of sanding back, as you will find that when you're painting the back of the car, the paint dust will fly across the car, and stick ontop of the front of the car, which gives it a rough finish, and means you need to do a bit of sanding back.

    Um, so yea, it defiantly is do-able, and providing you do enough layers of paint (i'd go 3 at least for me next spray job, 4's even better, bascially, do 1 layer going over all the corners first, then a full layer) rubbing it back will bring it up good. um, yea, I'm sure I've forgotten a few things, but if you even have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

    oh and go for a 2.5 HP compressor at least.

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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    oh and go for a 2.5 HP compressor at least.
    Its not the HP you need to worry about, what you want is a high CFM (cubic feet per minute) compressor. So look at the CFM more than the HP if you're looking to buy one.

  5. #35
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    Any idea what CFM we should look at?

    I work at Super Cheap Auto head office, so I'll get all the inside goss lol!

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by j0n_VR6 View Post
    Any idea what CFM we should look at?

    I work at Super Cheap Auto head office, so I'll get all the inside goss lol!
    A mate from work just painted his sons car (he's up on all this paint and panel stuff, and not a hacker). And he was telling me what size his is, so i'll find out tomorrow and let you know, if someone doesn't before me. But basically, the bigger the better really. You just need a compressor that can supply more volume than what the spray gun will output.

  7. #37
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    No prob.

    Any idea where the VIN number would be, or do they even have one (slightly stupid question)?

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    yea. I think a 2hp will make at about 90 cfm, and you need up about 120/130 I think. but don't quote me. All I know is that I used at 2.5, and it worked..

    i like volkswagens
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by j0n_VR6 View Post
    No prob.

    Any idea where the VIN number would be, or do they even have one (slightly stupid question)?
    Your car you mean? Right hand front strut tower i think...

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne

    Quote Originally Posted by j0n_VR6 View Post
    No prob.

    Any idea where the VIN number would be, or do they even have one (slightly stupid question)?
    should be on the compliance plate... shoould be next to the bonnet catch on the rad support thingy, which is right infront when you lift up the bonnet, make sense?

    i like volkswagens
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