My 1976 Passat LS. Previous owner had owned it for 31 years! Saw it a 'dealer' for $1000 about 1.5 years ago and have had it as a second car ever since.
Its in pretty good nick for its age. It has a few problems like a couple of dents and home job patchup work on the body, slipping clutch when hot and speedo reading 140kmph when its actually doing 110kmph. Apart from that, the engine is strong thanks to the previous owner rebuilding the engine, interior is very neat and seats still very comportable.
Now that the VR6 is basically sold, this will be my daily driver as I will now have a motorbike for the thrills.
Plans for this little baby is to lower it....hahaha
Hoping to find some sort of suspension setup for her as i would like to revert it back to standard without too much drama.
Oldskool euro wheels. 14-15".
Empi style roof rack. (Thin chrome metal frame with wooden polished slats)If anyone has one or knows of one for sale PM me!
Clean up interior and play around with the body with vinyls etc.... Have a few ideas
Anyways It feels great to be back in a 70's Volkswagen. I will definately miss the comfort of the VR, not to mention the power, the sound, the handling, the