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Thread: NZ: MKII 3 Door Project Car

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    New Zealand

    NZ: MKII 24V VR6T Build Thread

    Hey Guys, Meet ye ole bucket o bolts

    It ended its last life as a resonably tidy Gold colored, Golf CL. It's previous owner decided to start on a Track Hack.

    1x Stripped interior, MK3 Vr6 Rear beam, MK3 GTI Front Subframe & a ABF w/ 02a later the project came to a halt,

    Looking a little something like this...

    January this year she became mine... and after much "umming" and "ahhing" I threw out the ABF & 02A and have begun peeling her back to nothing to start from scratch....

    The Plan.. (Very loose...)

    - Pull Glass
    - Pull Small Bumpers
    - Clean cabin of all old fluffy sound deadening.
    - Consider and Prep Body for new Paintwork
    - Figure out a new powerplant... Preferably not FSI (evil direct injection sludge monsters)
    - Fit new Powerplant & Dash etc.
    - Make work..
    - Find and Aquire aesthetics
    - Strip and paint

    Not entirely sure where this is going quite yet.
    Watch this space

    ---------- Post added at 11:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 PM ----------

    Progress this weekend (not much...)

    1. pushed the ABF and 02A further out of the way and closer to the scrap bin.

    2. Pulled all the Glass out of the body saving good seals where possible.
    - as a result, but expectant, minor rust on the pinched seams that the windscreen mounts on to.
    (Looks like im going to have to learn some rust repair skillz)

    3. Started pulling apart the front Subframe peices and engine mount, will likely get these items powdercoated in a texture coat black... crinkle coat always looks good

    4. Got some MK3 Fat fives sussed to get the shell off the steelies.

    5. Also picked up my rallye grille, slampanel, lights etc etc.... will probably get the slam panel powder coated too!
    Last edited by ranton-inc; 31-07-2012 at 03:13 PM. Reason: Change of Title to reflect project Direction
    - 2010 Golf R
    - 1997 Golf VR6
    - 1989 MKII Golf Diesel
    - 1987 VW Golf GTI 16V

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Bentleigh, Melbourne
    Users Country Flag
    Sounds like a good project
    Why throw out the ABF??
    I'd say stick to a 16v or go 20vt if you want extra grunt.
    As you said FSI will be to complicated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Find out how much to ship the ABF and box to Sydney!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozgti View Post
    Find out how much to ship the ABF and box to Sydney!
    Already Sold both unfortunately.

    Could be a 20VT could be a 13b we just don't know

    but in all seriousness things will become more clear after I clear my yard of all these excess cars I have at the moment.

    Sitting on about 6 :-S
    - 2010 Golf R
    - 1997 Golf VR6
    - 1989 MKII Golf Diesel
    - 1987 VW Golf GTI 16V

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
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    Lookin' good mate!


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Parts I have collected thus far

    have a badgeless and badged grille for the rallye setup!

    ---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------

    So a touch more than i remember seeing on saturday..

    any who looks reasonably minor..

    going to hit it with a wire wheel/grinder after work on thursday see how extensive the "damage is"

    Last edited by ranton-inc; 30-04-2012 at 01:42 PM.
    - 2010 Golf R
    - 1997 Golf VR6
    - 1989 MKII Golf Diesel
    - 1987 VW Golf GTI 16V

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    Looks like we are going down the same road
    The evil Tin worm

    I am here:
    500 Series Hino - 99 V6 PASSAT Daily Driver
    84 MK2 GTI 16v - 88 MK2 GTI 8v Donor

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The ABF's a great motor with plenty of power to be found, how come you ditched it?
    VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
    There are few things more satisfying in life than finding a solution to a problem and implementing it
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    New Zealand
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    cos need m0ar powa!
    - 2010 Golf R
    - 1997 Golf VR6
    - 1989 MKII Golf Diesel
    - 1987 VW Golf GTI 16V

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranton-inc View Post
    cos need m0ar powa!
    good enough reason for me!
    VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
    There are few things more satisfying in life than finding a solution to a problem and implementing it
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