Another write off of a weekend was on call so half way in to cleaning up the inside of the wheel wells i had to go to the docks and leave fizz and my cousin cleaning it up.
The morning started off alright
Got the rear beam off so now thats ready for a new lick of paint and a rebuild too
These shells are un believeably light 2 of us to pretty much lift it 3 of us to carry it around the workshop with ease!
Did some sandblasting on the discovered rust in the wheel arch looks like its not big enough to even bother worrying about so i etch primed it ( got to play with my new gun and mask)
And will probably zinc it today since it has dried and the wax the crap out if it
Inside of the car looks like a beach at the moment i tested the sand blaster on the seat rails and then etch primed them by by surface corrosion
Also blasted the inside edge of the bootlid at the top where surface issues were showing primed that problem solved interesting usinf a spray gun for the first time ever i didnt realise how far primer paint went! 600ml lasted ages!!! No pics as we didnt achieve all that much and spent the balance of the day
Thrashing my mk2 donor car around the yard hitting static objects and explodong dry ice bombs ... Poor mk2 the engine fl out by the end of the day
Will post those videos later hahah