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Thread: My first Resto, 3 Door 77' Golf

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Post Legality

    Great Job! You have me inspired! Does any one know if it is legal to take out your back seat? I think i will do something similiar but slant it so its higher at the back so i still have some grocery space.
    Once again good job!
    Pizza delivery Seat!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    half a day to strip a golf, you're doing pretty well! for you first time atleast!

    Hit that whole window section with some wirebrush, as I'm sure some more pin holes willl appear. It's best to have it welded up properly, although rust convertor and a metal/fibreglass filler would be my next preference. (as opposed to just bog, as it has practically no structural qualities.)

    i like volkswagens
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  3. #23
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    Thanks for all the advice and great comments! im sure i can get it welded up, however, i do still have fome rust converter and that fibreglass kit that i used for the hole in the floor..

    To be honest i have no idea whether its legal to make it a 2 seater, im guessing that it shouldnt be a big deal. i just couldnt keep the rear seats anyway, no belts and the seat would not hook properly. So hopefully the rta doesnt kill my life about it!

  4. #24
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    4 Long months later UPDATE!

    Sheer apologies to those following this with interest for not being able to update this thread any sooner than now, its just that the resprayer took 11 weeks on my car! (i guess he took full advantage of 'take your time i want a good job') haha

    Well its almost FINISHED! and i thought id share my last few weeks with you all!

    Here it is after 10 weeks and the resprayer had sanded the old weathered paint back and primered it up nicely as well as paint the door jambs.

    Very nice aquarium now compared to before!

    Good ridance to the rust around the windscreen! hope to never see it again!

    I love this photo, just thinking back to the visual condition this bonnet was in before makes me feel ill, its too bad its going to get dirty as soon as i do a few hundred or so kilometres..


  5. #25
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    Here it is on the big day, all properly masked (though the interior still ended up in heaps of overspray)

    Resprayer sanding back plaster just before we wiped it down with thinners whilsts inside the booth.

    The car recieved another coat of primer before the paint went on, and after that it recieved 4 coats of paint, no paint as spared! so at least now should anything stain my paint theres no problems cutting back!

    After it was heated for an hour and a half in the oven we drove it out looking like a different car.


  6. #26
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    And then finally came assembly day my mate and i started at 3pm unfortunatly so we couldnt get all on however the majority is on excluding windows, chrome strips, gti decal stripes!, and various other little components.

    ONCE again used the crappy camera on my phone, better photos will come soon!

    No more cable ties holding on the grill! lol

    Doors all fixed up with my new customizable LED lights

    Finally looking like a car again

    One of my favourite photos!

    Lights were tricky to wire up, because it was pretty dodgy, going to have to tidy up the wiring one of these days

    And there you have it! its almost there! i will update soon with the windows in, and also going to change back to the original carbie, getting sick of the sidedraft delortos.

    Also needed to do in put in a reconditioned servo and new master cylinder, lower it (again lol), tune it up, service it, tint windows, exhausts and then REGO! really not all that much and cant wait till its finished!

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Awesome work. Good effort on spending the coin on getting a great paint job, you will be rewarded in the future if you have to sand out any contaminates.

    I like it without side strips, are they staying off?

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    good job mate the way it looked in when you brought it dam! i would have walked away but well done you started with a very average looking mk1 (as most are these days) and got something great out of it

    Anyone can go and buy a datto or corolla takes passion to live outside the box, there are not many mk1s on the road these days its good to see another brought back to life.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Camden, Sydney
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    Looking good mate.
    Nice to see the Rocco seats living on.
    Hope you dont have too much drama with the RTA.
    Look forward to seeing it terrorising the streets of Sydney real soon.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the comments! i too look back at the photos and cant believe its the same car haha its much better now but has a bit to go, although now all the hard work is done.

    (apart from locating the 1/4 window seals, which im sure that i will have difficulty finding, since i want them to actually work and not be fixed..)

    I have to admit too that i do like it without the side strips but all the holes are still showing for them to clip into so i am left with no choice than to use them!

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