Neat job on your MK I Jaimo. I just had a look at your pics. Is that the Seat radiator in there?
I got mine to fit But I attached the breather at the highest point in the top hose to avoid air locks. I was wondering how well all the cooling stuff works. Did you hook up the multispeed fan? I'm running a MK I switch at the moment which turns it on full speed at about 80°C which might be a bit sooner than the seat one does.
I'll have to post a pic of my radiator setup one of these days.
Thanks for the tip on that fault code I didn't think it would run at all if that sensor was faulty. I was reading the codes with one of those OBDII handheld devices and it's instructions said not to interrogate the ecu with the engine running. Just thought it best to read all the fault codes before I swapped it over to make sure it was all working first.