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Thread: Mk1 16v Project

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Preen59 Mk1 16v Project 05-01-2008, 12:24 PM
Water Boy Mate just a suggestion i dont... 05-01-2008, 12:44 PM
Preen59 Ok, figured you could still... 06-01-2008, 02:18 PM
Preen59 Right, so here's the car when... 06-01-2008, 02:29 PM
Preen59 Here's another shot when i... 06-01-2008, 02:34 PM
WABIT sorry i didnt quite get what... 19-02-2008, 08:55 PM
Jarred yea What's all this engine... 19-02-2008, 10:26 PM
velly_16v_cab a 4 branch manifold for the... 20-02-2008, 06:47 AM
Preen59 Fair enough. I'll go with... 20-02-2008, 11:18 AM
velly_16v_cab lol...very true. 20-02-2008, 11:37 AM
Preen59 Well i figure do it once do... 20-02-2008, 09:23 PM
Preen59 Oh i also removed all the... 20-02-2008, 09:33 PM
WABIT what ever happened to this... 02-06-2009, 08:38 PM
Preen59 Its happened again. :nana: 02-06-2009, 10:04 PM
16v_kid preen, if your not going to... 03-06-2009, 03:04 PM
Preen59 Sure. $8,000 with the 8v... 03-06-2009, 05:51 PM
alex g Looking good bro, who's is... 25-10-2010, 06:23 AM
Peter Jones Cool, you headed down the... 25-10-2010, 08:48 AM
Volksee77 Where did you get the pulleys... 25-10-2010, 12:55 PM
alex g I used a set of 20v... 27-10-2010, 06:56 AM
Jace **** yeah for progress. :) 27-10-2010, 03:34 PM
Preen59 I've been in contact with... 27-10-2010, 07:37 PM
mikinoz Have you worked out (I admit... 27-10-2010, 09:44 PM
Preen59 Kind of like telling everyone... 28-10-2010, 03:53 PM
alex g So should make about 160 then... 28-10-2010, 07:34 PM
Water Boy 100kw's at the front wheels? 28-10-2010, 07:50 PM
Preen59 Hahahaha nice one Alex. ... 28-10-2010, 09:35 PM
Water Boy Probably half of this forum! 28-10-2010, 09:54 PM
alex g Hooray hooray, what mounts up... 05-12-2010, 06:19 PM
Jace 05-12-2010, 06:45 PM
Preen59 Yeah fuel pump. Which, you... 05-12-2010, 07:57 PM
alex g The boys on fire. Have you... 06-12-2010, 11:41 AM
Preen59 Definitely thought about it.... 06-12-2010, 11:44 AM
alex g Alla ... 06-12-2010, 11:45 AM
alex g Yer have seem some crazy ass... 06-12-2010, 11:48 AM
Peter Jones Interesting idea. Did you... 06-12-2010, 12:36 PM
Preen59 I did. I was actually going... 06-12-2010, 01:19 PM
Peter Jones Yeah, you'd need to pulling... 06-12-2010, 01:48 PM
alex g I belief those morroso ones... 06-12-2010, 02:53 PM
Preen59 They increase the capacity... 06-12-2010, 10:32 PM
Preen59 Sump baffle plates and engine... 06-12-2010, 10:55 PM
Volksee77 any shots of the alternator... 07-12-2010, 06:57 PM
Preen59 I took all my gear to... 08-12-2010, 12:55 PM
alex g Crank looks awesome, what... 11-12-2010, 06:30 AM
Preen59 I did the knife edging... 11-12-2010, 09:00 PM
Preen59 I just received some info... 11-12-2010, 10:57 PM
Preen59 Well.. I hope I didn't... 18-12-2010, 05:55 PM
Preen59 Hmm.. I suppose I may aswell... 18-12-2010, 06:03 PM
alex g Looks good bro. What... 10-02-2011, 06:54 AM
mikinoz Chris said the engine would... 10-02-2011, 02:31 PM
Preen59 Ha, yes you should extract... 10-02-2011, 05:41 PM
Volksee77 not really as a running... 10-02-2011, 07:14 PM
Preen59 Haha, true.. :) Well... 11-02-2011, 12:34 AM
alex g Hows the bore look in the... 11-02-2011, 06:16 AM
Preen59 The bores were all pretty... 11-02-2011, 08:47 AM
Volksee77 hey nice pics, that water... 11-02-2011, 12:17 PM
Preen59 Hahaha cheers, mate. Yeah... 11-02-2011, 06:42 PM
Preen59 Man... What a day!! First... 11-02-2011, 08:23 PM
alex g Stop lying to yourself as... 16-02-2011, 08:41 PM
Preen59 You're just jealous you don't... 16-02-2011, 08:46 PM
Dub Toffee wowsers looking clean as and... 22-02-2011, 08:47 PM
Preen59 Hahaha.. Cheers, dude! Yes... 24-02-2011, 08:15 PM
Preen59 Well, here's some pics for... 24-02-2011, 08:20 PM
Preen59 Brake Lines.. ... 24-02-2011, 08:26 PM
Jarred looking good so far. All nice... 24-02-2011, 09:27 PM
velly_16v_cab nice work long... 25-02-2011, 07:58 AM
Preen59 Cheers dudes. :) ... 25-02-2011, 08:18 AM
GoLfMan Tim truly is the master of... 25-02-2011, 11:12 AM
Preen59 Yeah his handywork goes... 25-02-2011, 07:08 PM
Preen59 We finished the brake lines,... 25-02-2011, 07:45 PM
Jarred good stuff! Looking good... 26-02-2011, 05:08 PM
Water Boy I thought he was using it to... 26-02-2011, 06:15 PM
Preen59 I doubt it will be at the... 27-02-2011, 07:16 PM
Preen59 Don't worry, there's still... 12-03-2011, 06:09 PM
Jace You'll no doubt be needing a... 12-03-2011, 08:06 PM
Preen59 Haha.. Yeah, with the RPM... 12-03-2011, 08:07 PM
Spyda Looks amazing dude, so... 12-03-2011, 10:57 PM
Preen59 Thanks, man! You buy bundy... 13-03-2011, 02:47 AM
Jace Some German company called... 14-03-2011, 01:39 PM
Preen59 Woah nice. That stuff... 14-03-2011, 06:01 PM
Preen59 14-03-2011, 06:50 PM
Dub Toffee sick mate looking like its... 14-03-2011, 07:47 PM
Jarred get pierre to translate for... 14-03-2011, 08:40 PM
Preen59 Cheers, man! I'm going for... 17-03-2011, 01:03 AM
WABIT very scary build! video on... 17-03-2011, 12:26 PM
Preen59 Haha you're a unit, Dom. ... 09-04-2011, 07:18 PM
Volksee77 well if you are going to all... 10-04-2011, 10:24 AM
Preen59 Yep will do. I plan on making... 10-04-2011, 10:47 AM
GRN_VAGN Damn i chuckled :P Build... 10-04-2011, 10:49 AM
Preen59 Haha excellent. Cheers dude.... 10-04-2011, 10:51 AM
GRN_VAGN No worries, :P This is the... 10-04-2011, 10:56 AM
Preen59 Yeah that's kind of it. ... 10-04-2011, 11:01 AM
GRN_VAGN Im contemplating buying a... 10-04-2011, 11:03 AM
Preen59 Yeah all my gear is now short... 10-04-2011, 11:04 AM
GRN_VAGN 10-04-2011, 11:06 AM
Preen59 I cut, prepped, welded and... 10-04-2011, 11:08 AM
GRN_VAGN Didnt expect anything less... 10-04-2011, 11:09 AM
Peter Jones There's a chap on clubGTI... 10-04-2011, 11:13 AM
Preen59 Haha.. I see. Well, in... 10-04-2011, 11:18 AM
Peter Jones Those are ideas for... 10-04-2011, 11:22 AM
Preen59 I can do better.. But i can't... 10-04-2011, 11:25 AM
Volksee77 Shifter 12-04-2011, 09:01 AM
Preen59 Yeah, like the USRT kit with... 12-04-2011, 09:09 AM
Volksee77 AL = best news yet, was... 12-04-2011, 09:35 AM
Preen59 Picked up a straight,... 17-04-2011, 08:40 PM
Preen59 Picked up a straight,... 17-04-2011, 08:41 PM
Preen59 Dash is now in the talented... 18-04-2011, 09:55 PM
Preen59 Glad it's not me... ... 04-05-2011, 07:28 PM
Speed WOW! I was never a mk1 fan... 17-03-2011, 12:04 PM
Preen59 Hahaha, you're a changed man!... 17-03-2011, 12:06 PM
alex g Fixed My old mate cooked... 14-06-2011, 07:19 PM
Preen59 Hahaha, yeah! No its ok, he's... 14-06-2011, 08:11 PM
alex g 14-06-2011, 08:58 PM
Preen59 Sends you to the main page..... 14-06-2011, 09:04 PM
alex g Let try that again ... 14-06-2011, 09:51 PM
mikinoz Fail 2x haha. 14-06-2011, 09:53 PM
Preen59 Yeah. Haha. Just tell me... 14-06-2011, 09:57 PM
alex g Fixed ( hopefully ) Yer... 14-06-2011, 09:58 PM
Preen59 21-07-2011, 02:07 PM
Jace That's all good and well, but... 21-07-2011, 04:50 PM
Dub Toffee wholy mother of shinyness i... 21-07-2011, 08:05 PM
alex g Excuses excuses. USA do... 23-07-2011, 06:59 PM
Preen59 Banshee is going (Trailer and... 23-07-2011, 09:03 PM
GOLFBALLS Yeah, c'mon ya slack arse. 20-03-2014, 03:58 PM
sports racer It's been so long I've... 20-03-2014, 11:52 PM
slpdesign99 crazy cool car, love it 01-06-2014, 03:16 PM
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Perth Western Australia
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    Hey preeny, that USRT kit looks the tits mate, are youm looking at something very similar are a bit different. Also you going steel or Al? would be interested in an Al setup for lightweight. Do you think you'll use the USRT delrin bushes to start it off or full custom. I'm still interested mate.
    77 Golf tarmac rally
    89 porsche 911
    80 Rabbit 4dr
    11 mk1 and 2\'s in various states of undress

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Yeah, like the USRT kit with a couple of minor differences. Aluminium rods.

    As far as bushes, i'm retaining the original ones. But I was considering using brass..

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    AL = best news yet, was thinking about the dust boots they are using to keep junk out of the rose joints though. Let me know how much you reckon
    77 Golf tarmac rally
    89 porsche 911
    80 Rabbit 4dr
    11 mk1 and 2\'s in various states of undress

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Picked up a straight, uncracked dash from Paintz today.

    Also picked up my new OEM single headlight full open grill from Mik.. Even did a little tuning on Mik's 16v. It idles now and everything! haha.

    Dash will go to the trimmer next week to get a couple of spots sorted.. Or maybe a reskin.. We'll see what he says.. Will get some pics tomorrow or something.

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Orange NSW
    Thread Starter
    Picked up a straight, uncracked dash from Paintz today.

    Also picked up my new OEM single headlight full open grill from Mik.. Even did a little tuning on Mik's 16v. It idles now and everything! haha.

    Dash will go to the trimmer next week to get a couple of spots sorted.. Or maybe a reskin.. We'll see what he says.. Will get some pics tomorrow or something.

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Dash is now in the talented hands of Wayne from Street Trim. Waiting to hear back about what it'll cost for repair and re-skinning.

    Also asked him about (GOOD!!!) Mk1 carpet kits.. So he's going to see what he can come up with.

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Orange NSW
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    Glad it's not me...

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Spewing that the car isn't Lago Blue anymore, but I suppose it's not the fastest colour out there.

    I dig the choice of the coil location. Less **** in the bay, the better.


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