I think it makes it all the more fun lmao,im running about in a fairly stock mk2 but I only need to sit in my mk1 to feel like a hooligan...then you start it up and you cant even see out the rvm....just makes me laugh all the more lol. Last big journey I took in it was 700+miles return to a show and with the old FK highsport coils and Recaro semi buckets it was still an arse breaker,dont fancy that again much,other than the required need for 3 fuel stops gives your butt a break and the smile I know ill still be wearing at the end. Just means you get out with a smile on your face and a panzer tank parked in your ass lol.
Bein serious though my mk1s have always been track biased and never long distance really,especially now im old but thats why ill keep the golf for short stints and track fun and build my jetta more towards a long distance cruiser with comfy power and stockish mounts. I think a mk1 valver(especially one to your spec)deserves full solids and a medic on hand to administer adrenaline shots as you walk out the door and reach into your pocket for the key :p