and i thought i was bad at taking photos lol
Here are some pics for all you'll pic whores.
I wasn't happy with the tailgate. so I re did it a bit. Pretty straight now. Just waiting for guide coat to dry to make sure.
Filled/smoothed/repaired A pillar. I managed to miss a low spot just under the rain gutter that i'll fix, easy done though. Ariel hole is done too, once it's highfilled it should be schmick!
This bits basically done as is the bit between the tail lights. A skim here and there, bit of sanding and it's done.
The Poowaahhhhh plant. scary.
Don't mind my bad photo skills though!
and i thought i was bad at taking photos lol
Audi S3 8L - Stroker GTX3582 700bhp+
Golf GTI 1980
Golf GLS 1979
APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |
APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |
Audi S3 8L - Stroker GTX3582 700bhp+
Golf GTI 1980
Golf GLS 1979
Audi S3 8L - Stroker GTX3582 700bhp+
Golf GTI 1980
Golf GLS 1979
More pics!
dragged the ol girl out into the sunlight today for a few snaps so you'll can see what state the whole car is in.
As far as boggin goes, it's mostly all done, bar the rear left qtr and a few finishing/minor touches.
My pimp seats. Pleats are still intact and quite nice. seats a bit dusty though, but vynal is in great nick.
I'm getting there. Very close to high fill though with sydney trip this friday, prob not till next week
Wahoo go Jarred
Great work homeboy
I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...