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Thread: How bad is this do you guys think ? Should I keep going.

  1. #11

    Pic update.

    Here are the pic's I said to look at. This is a pretty common area on the 76er's.

    I'd remove/scrap (it's pretty hard stuff. May need to take to it with a heat gun.) the sound deadening & have a look. I'd also suggest to seam seal inside the engine bay too, along the same seam. Also seal up the brake line firewall grommet's as they can leak too!

    As that was the same case with my 76!

    It may look messy, but it no longer leak's any water from anyway period!
    Also the carpet will cover it all up too.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
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    Check the brake pipes and replace too if they are rusty. It is common for them to rust through. I had a golf a while ago that someone repaired the lines with fuel hose to get rid of the affected pipes!!! That was as dangerous a job as I have seen!!!
    Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
    Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Thanks for all the supports, I'll keep going and post updates, may be once in six months

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Anyone know what is the most efficient way to remove the bitumen stuff in the floor (are they for sound deadening ?), I have been chisel/hammer them out, I may be dump
    Last edited by RedMk2Gti; 30-04-2010 at 08:52 AM.

  5. #15
    Heat Gun & a good sharp scraper through & through.

    Recently had to do this myself.

    Don't heat the soundproofing up too much as it turn's really stringy & gluey. Just enough to make it warm & it should remove without too much effort.

    When it come's to sealing it all up, the place you want to start at is in the engine bay. That's were the problem start's from. Were the strut tower's join upto the firewall.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Horningsea Park
    Rust, rust, rust i hate rust.

    Lucky for you it looks like surface rust like the guys on the forum said.

    I can get my hands on the ultimate rust killer. My father gets it from the railways and is not available for retail. Ill see if I can get some if your interested. I gave some to a mate in my club for his kombi camper and he loved the stuff.
    Aircooled & Watercooled Nut
    62 and a Half Bug
    02 Bora V5

  7. #17
    These are places you've really got to seal in the engine bay.

    Right at the firewall & down to the where the brake pipe's enter the cabin.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Thanks Golfworx, what do you use to seal it ? are they just plastic body filler ??

  9. #19
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    Do I need to cut this wire ????????

    I'm sure a lot of people here has removed their Mk1 hatch, but I spend half an hour and still can not decide if i need to cut this wire in order to remove the hatch. Any idea ??

    btw, some update pic of my project

    nice coat of POR15 at all front

    POR15 at the rear, prime all vertical panel before new black top coat. The car will be black at the end.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
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    Looking Good Eric, Did you get the bootlid off? You need to cut the wire , but leave enough, so that you can rejoin.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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