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Thread: Greig's MKV R32

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
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    Cambuslang and a move to Lenzie for the majority of childhood

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    NSW, Sydney
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    Loving the buying story and pictures so far, especially the wacky road signs. You have come to the right place for information on the R32!
    Can't wait for the next update!
    Last edited by robbie; 05-10-2013 at 09:24 PM.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by grandturismo View Post
    Cambuslang and a move to Lenzie for the majority of childhood
    My ex is from Lenzie, some cracking roads down there.

    Quote Originally Posted by robbie View Post
    Loving the buying story and pictures so far, especially the wacky road signs. You have come to the right place for information on the R32!
    Can't wait for the next update!
    Thanks mate.

  4. #14
    Day 2

    First things first. I may have hit a couple of bugs on the run last night...

    After a good clean it was time to head to the Great Ocean Road. The journey was kept interesting following an RS Clio taking the racing line...

    Stretching our legs...

    Taking in the view...

    Back on the road...

    Plenty of civilian traffic to dispatch...

    School bus zone? Really?


    Beware the drop bears...

    Back in civilisation...

    Very civilised actually...

    Another 400k's done. Just 900 more to go tomorrow!

    Tucked in for a well earned rest...

    Loving the new toy so far, all it needs is a name!

  5. #15
    Day 3

    Today started with a quick walk in the park before hitting the road again...

    Immediately we ran into a problem. 'Look dear, the tram thinks it's people'...

    More awesome drink drive campaigns...

    Then the very stern sat nav woman (who we've nicknamed Gillian, everyone knows a Gillian) threw us into suburbia for no reason...

    Back on track and some rather tasty classics appeared next to us...

    It was time for some more go juice anyway so we pulled over for a look...

    Could've stayed here all day...

    But we had to get a 'moove' on...

    Nothing much happened for a while...

    So we found a submarine. Which was excellent...

    And a redneck. Who wasn't...

    Next up was a giant sheep...

    And yet more 98 octane...

    Even the hand dryers are turbocharged in Shell garages...

    Finally we arrived home. 1903km's later and nursing the mother of all red bull hangovers.

    As the good people at Mitsubishi say, love that car...

  6. #16
    Well deserved clean now the Corolla has been relegated to street parking again...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    NSW, Sydney
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    Welcome to the R32 (supreme colour) owners club

    Greig, tell me more about the Forge Oil Catch Can because I've got the Forge Motorsport intake at the moment. Do you plan on turning this into an occasional track day car? If you document the rest of your build with as many photos, I'll be contributing as much as I can to it.
    Last edited by robbie; 08-10-2013 at 12:09 AM.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by robbie View Post
    Welcome to the R32 (supreme colour) owners club

    Greig, tell me more about the Forge Oil Catch Can because I've got the Forge Motorsport intake at the moment. Do you plan on turning this into an occasional track day car? If you document the rest of your build with as many photos, I'll be contributing as much as I can to it.
    Thanks man.

    Details of the Forge OCC here.

    I'd like to get it on track eventually but it'd be a bit of a shame given the condition it's in.

    There's always a cheap mx-5 on Gumtree calling my name.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    I would assume they are purely for collecting the amount of discharge? Seems like the OCC is the way to go since I have got the Forge Motorsport intake. Quick question, how often does it need cleaning?

    IMHO, an R32 is not where I would begin with a fast, fun and reliable track car especially being DSG. They are fantastic grand tourers on the twisty stuff and public roads, but the heavy nose front end and distribution isn't exactly setup for track conditions. If you are serious about an mx-5 Greig, keep me posted and I'm sure I could persuade a friend down the road to sell you his blue mx-5. Personally, I wouldn't track your R32 if I was in your shoes. Thought about it, but not for me!

  10. #20

    Quote Originally Posted by robbie View Post
    I would assume they are purely for collecting the amount of discharge? Seems like the OCC is the way to go since I have got the Forge Motorsport intake. Quick question, how often does it need cleaning?

    IMHO, an R32 is not where I would begin with a fast, fun and reliable track car especially being DSG. They are fantastic grand tourers on the twisty stuff and public roads, but the heavy nose front end and distribution isn't exactly setup for track conditions. If you are serious about an mx-5 Greig, keep me posted and I'm sure I could persuade a friend down the road to sell you his blue mx-5. Personally, I wouldn't track your R32 if I was in your shoes. Thought about it, but not for me!
    Yeah, I don't think it'll have the same impact as an OCC on a turbo motor but every little helps.

    Totally agree that there are better platforms for a track toy. Unless FI comes in to the equation...

    Funds are pretty tight just now after picking the car up but if it's a low miler at a decent price I could be tempted. Shoot me a PM with some details.

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