cable conversion on o2a box
hey guys i have the seat cable conversion for my clutch on my mk2 vr , and it worked well before when i fitted it first except the bracket was bent and i couldnt get into 2nd gear as the weight was hitting on the cable bracket bit. (because it was bent to be closer to the slave arm) i bent it all back to be stock spec between the cable stop and the slave arm, and now i can get 2nd but now my clutch pedal engagement is right at the end up high and the car slips in gear like the clutch isnt enageing fully. anybody else have the problem of the cable seeming to be too short . i have the ABF cable from the 16v. and i have the cable on the top notch on the clutch pedal atm..
any ideas
cheers brenton
MK1 4door
1st place, stock MK3VR6. Vw nationals 07
2nd place, mod MK2VR6. Vw nationals 09
and untold wrecks