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Thread: Brake bios valves

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    sydney/ cessnock

    Brake bios valves

    have mk3 rear drums in my mk1 sometimes on very hard braking get rear locking up before front. has anyone played with bios \ proporioning valves
    owned a number of mk1 golfs have a collection of spare parts project golf is a 78 2 door

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    Thing with the bias valves is they only came fitted to GTI MK1s that I am aware of. The MK2 one is a different mounting so wouldn't go on there.

    The other place I look to get one would be a Cabriolet.

    There are restrictors fitted on some MK1 chassis vehicles, usually just below the master cylinder as the rigid lines go under the firewall.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
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    you can get adjustable valves, which work but are illegal
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Loon View Post
    you can get adjustable valves, which work but are illegal
    It's funny because that's what I thought too.

    As I found out it's legal in Vic., as long as you can't adjust it while your driving.
    That's what an engineer told me, as I'm going to fit one to truck & GTI once the pedal box is made & had to clear it first.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
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    I have one fitted to Gunter, my competition Golf which is fitted behind the handbrake lever as I only have one pipe running to the rear..It is a Willwood unit and I have the rears backed off as much as possible. I am running Mk2 rear discs.
    Cheers, Andrew
    Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
    Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    sydney/ cessnock
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    linkage problem

    my rear lock up problem was caused by the linkages i had them a bit to wound up was taking up all the free play at the booster

    hope this saves somone else a lot of stuffing around
    owned a number of mk1 golfs have a collection of spare parts project golf is a 78 2 door


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