I stacked my GTI last night!!! Going a teeny bit too quick around a blind corner at night on an unfamiliar bit of road, WHOA, T-JUNCTION!... locked inside front... straight on into and over the curb and into the dust! Conveniently there was a big, square concrete drain culvert built into the curb to bounce over!
It was badly lit, there was no give way sign and the dead end sign at the t-junction had been nicked from its posts!! Intersection just came from nowhere.
Amazingly and testament to the build quality of our beloved VW's nothing actually broke off the car and it was still running with both headlights ablaze when it came to rest!
BUT.. the passenger front wheel ended up bent back up under the the front door hinge, which in turn has pushed the whole A pillar upwards causing the windscreen to fracture and it has also pushed and slightly buckled the roofline up, so it looks terminal i'm afraid!

All this just three days after finally getting the S3 donor car

So the shannons guy will check it over and most likely write it off in the next coupla days.
Anyone out there selling a 5 door mk2?