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Thread: anth's MKIV Golf 2.0 daily driver

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by anth View Post
    best looking? haha that's a bit extreme! I'm kicking myself for not buying those Rola roof racks that were for sale for $50 on this very forum a while ago, would have looked great + I could have put my bmx up there

    Things I'd like to do:
    - I really want to go lower, but the swaybar is stopping me.
    - I'd also like to get some spacers in the future, get the wheels out to the guards.
    - De-badge the "Golf" badge
    - Maybe get black VW badges?
    - Red-tint the tail lights
    - Stubby antenna

    But since it's my daily and I have another car to waste money on, plus I'm meant to be saving for a house/unit, it's a struggle between giving in to temptation VS being sensible lol
    that list of mods would be exactly what I'd do to it (not that that makes a difference for you!)

    I'd add taking off the rear wiper too

    it'd look seriously awesome with all that done to it! A nice OEM+ daily. It'll turn heads!
    Last edited by GoLfMan; 25-02-2010 at 09:46 AM.
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  2. #42
    Join Date
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    It really does look sweet Anth. I reckon it's a pretty cool daily

    Quote Originally Posted by anth View Post
    Things I'd like to do:
    - I really want to go lower, but the swaybar is stopping me.
    - I'd also like to get some spacers in the future, get the wheels out to the guards.
    - De-badge the "Golf" badge
    - Maybe get black VW badges?
    - Red-tint the tail lights
    - Stubby antenna

    lower = win
    spacers = win
    debadge = win
    black badges not so much, but that's personal preference
    red tint = win
    stubby antenna = win - i can't believe you dont already have one! :O

    seriously. keep it up it's all gooood.

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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by anth View Post
    It's a struggle between giving in to temptation VS being sensible lol
    dont worry about the later.

    List is looking good, car already looks so nice.
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  4. #44
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    thanks for the compliments guys ordering a swaybar today, so I should be able to wind the coils down a bit. I'll have to take the perches out of the rear since they're already all the way down. I really want to get onto some spacers but I'm a bit hesitant to spend the cash at the moment, got a few things coming up so I might wait a bit

  5. #45
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    just thought I'd throw these pics that other people took at SEDF in here so they're all in the same thread

    Should have my new swaybar soon. Thinking about making a bonnet-bra too

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    car looks great!
    i don't think it needs spacers... those wheels are half inch wider than genuine aristos which helps!
    but if you did go spacers, what do you reckon, just 10 on the back, nothing on the front?

  7. #47
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    Anth, your car is looking awesome mate, big thumbs up.

    I think to finish of the rear, add some gti taillights IMO.
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  8. #48
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    cheers guys.

    for spacers I was thinking 8-10mm on the front and about 15mm or so on the rear, not quite sure. I'd like it to be nice and flush, but since I'm running 225's there's no real stretch on the tyres so it might rub. The rear guards appear to be rolled from factory, so I might have to roll the fronts.

    I'd love a set of GTI tail lights but then again I don't want it to look like a mockup GTI, so I was thinking of getting some red transparent film and doing all-red tails, using this stuff,

  9. #49
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    Your mk4 looks awesome mate.

    Good work.
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  10. #50
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    i have a 2.0 generation and mine has the gti taillights as standard
    Quote Originally Posted by anth View Post
    cheers guys.

    for spacers I was thinking 8-10mm on the front and about 15mm or so on the rear, not quite sure. I'd like it to be nice and flush, but since I'm running 225's there's no real stretch on the tyres so it might rub. The rear guards appear to be rolled from factory, so I might have to roll the fronts.

    I'd love a set of GTI tail lights but then again I don't want it to look like a mockup GTI, so I was thinking of getting some red transparent film and doing all-red tails, using this stuff,

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