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Thread: anth's MKIV Golf 2.0 daily driver

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    cheers dom

    its been washed since then, just a bit behind on updates. But it's actually filthy again anyway lol. I would have met up tonight fo sho but I'm doing a spontaneous Sorrento mission with two mates, last minute decision, staying until thursday then coming home in time for NYE

    should suss out a meet up this weekend before work starts again, i'll bring the datto out

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by anth View Post
    cheers dom

    its been washed since then, just a bit behind on updates. But it's actually filthy again anyway lol. I would have met up tonight fo sho but I'm doing a spontaneous Sorrento mission with two mates, last minute decision, staying until thursday then coming home in time for NYE

    should suss out a meet up this weekend before work starts again, i'll bring the datto out
    hahahah im going dromana for NYE hahahaha looks like ill be going up when your coming back hahahaha but im sure itll work itself out....


  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    looks great Anth. very nice for a daily driver!

    maybe needs some spacers on the back a lil though

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  4. #34
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    So you boys are the touro's who come down to invade our quiet little peninsula over summer time, god damm you. Car is looking great mate, i'd love to see it and get some feedback on the suspension after you have had them in for a while.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver dub View Post
    So you boys are the touro's who come down to invade our quiet little peninsula over summer time, god damm you.
    That's how we roll man! haha

    Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for the level of boredom you reach while reading this update. Not much really happens, you have been warned!

    This update is well overdue, and so was a bath for the Golf! Now that the wheels were on and the suspension lowered down, it was time to clean up all the odds and ends that were bugging me since I bought it.

    First on the list was the random goodies on the windscreen, which was my registration sticker, a few roadside-assist stickers, and two (not one, but two!) tollway beeper holders.

    My weapon of choice, a brand new razor blade. I have a box of new blades in the garage so I always grab a fresh one when I need to scrape anything off a car. The newer, the better.

    To take the tollway beeper holders off, I soften up the glue with a heat-gun and then they just come right off. Would you believe me if I told you that a few years ago when I first bought my S15, someone I knew wanted to use a chisel and a hammer to remove one of these from the windscreen? Crazy, huh! I gave him the same friendly answer that you probably would have.


    All clean

    The pile of undesirables. I timed this cleanup well, as my registration was due and I had a new sticker to attach to the car in a much better position. I'm pretty OCD with my registration stickers, they have to be in the right spot or I start to breathe heavily.

    More random stickers and residue around the car.

    Be gone!

    I even found an old parking ticket that had partly fallen down behind the dashboard. Can you see it?

    There it is. March 2009, sheesh!

    I also swapped my front & rear plates around, as the front one was all battered, and the rear one was in better condition but hidden in a covered frame. So by swapping them around, the dodgy one is hidden behind plastic while the straight one is bolted to the front where it can shine like a broadway star.

  6. #36
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    And finally, after all that exciting activity, it got a bath. It was that dirty I felt like I had to wash it twice. Now all it needs is some nice photos which I hope to get onto one day soon.

    That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you fluff up an uneventful day into a 13 picture update.

  7. #37
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    Your not the only person that's OCD about The placement of the rego sticker.
    I hate when people just slap them on wonky and to far out from the corner.
    White Scirocco R
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  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Melbourne VIC
    Love your work mate!

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    best looking OEM + mk4 in VIC!!!
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  10. #40
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    best looking? haha that's a bit extreme! I'm kicking myself for not buying those Rola roof racks that were for sale for $50 on this very forum a while ago, would have looked great + I could have put my bmx up there

    Things I'd like to do:
    - I really want to go lower, but the swaybar is stopping me.
    - I'd also like to get some spacers in the future, get the wheels out to the guards.
    - De-badge the "Golf" badge
    - Maybe get black VW badges?
    - Red-tint the tail lights
    - Stubby antenna

    But since it's my daily and I have another car to waste money on, plus I'm meant to be saving for a house/unit, it's a struggle between giving in to temptation VS being sensible lol

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