Torque steer isn't an issue at all I imagine it might be with an additional 30 kW's or so .
Brakes a ****-fully small items especially the rear but its not going on any track
I've got all the graphs and I even logged manifold pressure as well plus have the X axis in RPM BUT i ran out of time and had to leaver as the lights were going out as we had all sort of issues with a Mk6 GTI that lost a chunk of power after the fitment of an APR turbo back system with another providers tune. Thats another story (The exhaust is very good I might add perhaps a bit free flowing but ideal for some mamoth turbo LOL)
Everything is still on the dyno computer and with the mrs in the UK for work the next week or so I'm a mr Mum so I won't be back to the workshop till Thursday. I might be able to sneak down if the weather is crap though
I really want to modify the beejesus out of this thing but I think I should concentrate on one of the newer TFSI/TSI's