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Thread: A3 1.8T makeover....

  1. #41
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    I think te surprise is if you can get any traction when you go to turn the corner. So in reality it's the Understeer surprises.

    How's the torque steer going?
    You must also be at the limit of the standard crap brakes by now too? I know our A4 is horrendously underbraked for the car, even when compared to a basic WRX brake package!

    Any chance of the 106kW run graphs? (would make nice back to back compare)
    '05 Audi A4 1.8TQ - stockish - pushing the factory to do what it can.

  2. #42
    Torque steer isn't an issue at all I imagine it might be with an additional 30 kW's or so .
    Brakes a ****-fully small items especially the rear but its not going on any track

    I've got all the graphs and I even logged manifold pressure as well plus have the X axis in RPM BUT i ran out of time and had to leaver as the lights were going out as we had all sort of issues with a Mk6 GTI that lost a chunk of power after the fitment of an APR turbo back system with another providers tune. Thats another story (The exhaust is very good I might add perhaps a bit free flowing but ideal for some mamoth turbo LOL)

    Everything is still on the dyno computer and with the mrs in the UK for work the next week or so I'm a mr Mum so I won't be back to the workshop till Thursday. I might be able to sneak down if the weather is crap though
    I really want to modify the beejesus out of this thing but I think I should concentrate on one of the newer TFSI/TSI's

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by parso_rex View Post
    <snip>I've got all the graphs and I even logged manifold pressure as well plus have the X axis in RPM BUT i ran out of time and had to leaver as the lights were going out as we had all sort of issues with a Mk6 GTI that lost a chunk of power after the fitment of an APR turbo back system with another providers tune. Thats another story (The exhaust is very good I might add perhaps a bit free flowing but ideal for some mamoth turbo LOL)<snip>
    Kewl. Will wait with baited breath. Can understand your desire to get into the TFSI are though, clearly there's more targets out there of interest. But from firsthand experience, there seems more modders in the pre-FSI area.... perhaps this will change soon though as these models get into the hands of 2nd hand turbo modders. Only thing you'll have to deal with is the massive carbon buidup issues these engines have. I'm sure you've done the searches, if not, google FSI Carbon buid up.

    As for massive drainpipes for OEM turbos..... yeah.... you've heard my views on that many times before.
    Last edited by cpitts; 15-05-2010 at 06:56 PM.
    '05 Audi A4 1.8TQ - stockish - pushing the factory to do what it can.

  4. #44
    I might still do say a garrett 28 job but not a 3071/3076 like I wish to do on the later ones. I'll concentrate on getting rid of the STI first - sadly I might add

    Re the TFSI's Yes a PCV location upstream of the valves with big boost and no means of washing the residue away - not a good idea at all. water/meth injection & catch can = solved

  5. #45
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    *cheeky bump* Any news?
    '05 Audi A4 1.8TQ - stockish - pushing the factory to do what it can.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by cpitts View Post
    *cheeky bump* Any news?
    Nope no updates for this beast, I've been too busy sorting out R32 immobiliser swaps and remapping 16L turbo Volvo trucks. Lack of time is driving me nuts. Before I touch anything here I have to finish of the STI so it can be sold off with its new 2L motor but for the next couple of weeks I'm a bit swamped with customer work. I shouldn't complain though. The BDM gear is getting a workout this week

    I'll post up some maps soon though I meant to do that before

    oh fuel economy is pretty good. I get 9.9L/100km with a mix of Sydney heavy peak-hour and weekend work. It's really very good. I thought things would be a fair bit worse for sure


  7. #47
    OK not as exciting as Alex's thread but I decided that the Audi Concert Stereo needed some love, its demented processor had rendered the volume control useless and I could only trick the thing into 1 volume level via the TP settings.
    I took the car along to Strathfield car radios at Taren Point to borrow their keys to remove the damned thing but the install wanker there wanted me to book the car in at a later date and pay some ridiculous price for the pleasure, all for 4.6 seconds of his precious time FFS. I would have paid $20. Needless to say I didn't end up buying my wifes new GPS from there so a big lose. I actually drove elsewhere and probably paid more.
    I ordered a set off Ebay $5 delivered. Anyone need them just let me know I probably don't need them anymore..... enough ranting.

    Out with the soldering iron and hot air gun....
    This is the concert with the tape deck section removed, the processor is underneath it, wave soldered to the board.

    Heres the dying processor. It turns out you have to remove the whole circuit board from the assembly otherwise you can't get it the pins, bugger.

    New processor ready to go in
    I should have taken a few more shots but you get the idea

    Yay I can now listen to my favourite Justin Bieber tracks at full noize
    Last edited by parso_rex; 26-07-2010 at 10:47 AM.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by parso_rex View Post
    Yay I can now listen to my favourite Justin Bieber tracks at full noize
    btw, you've got some serious soldering skills there. Peeling off SMD chips, that must take some practice and steady hand.
    '05 Audi A4 1.8TQ - stockish - pushing the factory to do what it can.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by cpitts View Post
    btw, you've got some serious soldering skills there. Peeling off SMD chips, that must take some practice and steady hand.
    pfft this is nothing try the immobiliser chips that need work after a reflash by one of the other big names, they don't only modify the map area on the external flash chip, they modify the immobiliser serial eeprom as well FFS - How kind

    This is with the chip removed, you can see the two drops of adhesive that holds the SMD chip on the mainboard. You have to heat this up a bit to get it to come free. Not too much of course or its dead !

    a tiny beast indeed

    The thing on the left is a bic pen tip, this is using a 60x scope camera that I use to check the soldering afterwards.(different ECU here so a different chip here but its the same size)

    This is just so I can get the chip out in order to view and modify the data with an eeprom programmer, its then gets soldered back on. Thankfully some of the older cars can be done with some OBD tools, not all though
    Last edited by parso_rex; 27-07-2010 at 12:58 PM.

  10. #50
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    Great stuff, love the work!
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

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