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Thread: 93 cabrio repairs...

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post

    How difficult would you rate "going over" the gearbox?? Ie replacing seals and syncro's?
    Dont rate it difficult at all, more the point how much tooling you have to be able to do the job effectively. Had to make 2 pullers and a holding jig. Also have a hyd press handy, an industrial washing machine for parts, drill press etc.

    To do a bearing change you would need a torque meter and a good selection of shims and ciclips + a good deal of nounce to do the job correctly ( bentley as a minimum reference book )

    Go to you will learn loads if your serious about doing a trans.

    Definately cheaper to get the parts offshore from what ive been quoted as well.
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  2. #22
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    monday's effort..

    Dragged all the bits over to the other workshop ( 25 min drive...) everything got a good wash in the robowash.

    I could now see how mangled the 5th selector rod was, None available from VW in Oz or Singapore, quoted 4 weeks to supply from the dealer here.. looks like i may cannibalise an old 5 cogger here or try buying out of the US...price here was about $65...

    Kinda pi**es me when dudes butcher stuff that would take 20 mins to make the right tool..
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  3. #23
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    Monday ( cont...)

    drilled out the diff rivets, fitted the bolts from the kit to the carrier...

    Got back to my junk shop with a stop at the post office on the way...

    Not bad considering they sent it the 23rd... maybe it was in santa's sack...

    checked out to see if all was in there..

    No casualties except this CV trying to pack itself with grease mid flight...

    Hopefully get some of the trans back together tomorrow pending the decision to use the selector rod again. It will work, just needs tidying up first...

    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by roccodingo View Post


    Thats some good work there Grant!
    -1990 Mk2 GTI 5-door with AMK 20vt (260hp @ wheels)
    -Arrow/Rotax 125 TAG X1E Go Kart

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    You dont muck around do you...

    How are your son's Mk1's going? We're keen to see some pics!

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by GOLFBALLS View Post

    Thats some good work there Grant!
    yeah, been getting into it, but not enough !!! needs to be running by end of Jan...
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Water Boy View Post
    You dont muck around do you...

    How are your son's Mk1's going? We're keen to see some pics!
    Eldest has been driving his red banger into the ground, remarkably its only needed a trans swap when the clutch locked up...

    Second son and the GTI rebuild has come to a stop. he worked out that removing hard enamel paint isnt his forte'.... so looks like i have recieved it back...He is due to get his license ina few weeks, so that will reduce the chances of him doing anything by another 1000%..
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  8. #28
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    And so far....

    K Just been chewing away at this project....

    Have the dash out to fix the glove box hinges and sort some wiring shennanigans out... cant believe how rough these immobiliser fitting guy's are...thats what you get when its done to a price...

    Stripped out the heater box and made new seals for all the flaps,places where the box seals against other section ( body etc) did the vents in the dash as well..

    With the heater core out i found a localised bit of rot...

    So new core on order from UK, should be here hopefully by Monday...
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  9. #29
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    Well the box is all done bar the CV flanges, got a few things happening there...

    Dont have time to send the mounts over to my electroplating guy to get the original finish re done

    Although the bolts etc came out of the stockpile of stuff done previously..
    So i just used gold paint to tidy it all up...

    Doing the last of the sanding back and prepping for paint, plan on getting the primer down at least if not all the painting done by Monday . Still have the engine to give the once over, finish the glove box mods, complete a few wiring tasks, then start slammin it back together...
    Last edited by roccodingo; 08-01-2009 at 12:27 AM. Reason: correct pic image...
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  10. #30
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    weekend madness

    Got the car to the painting shed Sat morning, lost as few hours with all the trailering and moving stuff...

    Primered the panel closures..

    inside the engine bay and the closure on the tops of the guards.. did inside the hood also.

    Then on with a few coats of colour and clear..

    Last edited by roccodingo; 11-01-2009 at 10:46 PM. Reason: something to do...
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


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