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Thread: '77 LS Turbo-Diesel Build thread.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Gosford Central Coast NSW

    '77 LS Turbo-Diesel Build thread.

    well, here it is. the LS build is beginning in earnest now that I will be pulling it apart very shorlty (the carb has been sold

    I thought i'd start a build thread to keep track of things and make sure I post up everyhting i do so that hopefully we can all learn.

    Just to begin, heres what I have planned:

    the car is a '77 LS aussie made rustbucket () which isnt too rusty. panels are ok-ish, etc, but it drives straight as a die. its the only mk1 i've ever driven that will just drive so perfectly.

    that said, its surprising. theres a lot of work to be done - the front strut towers are mushroomed from excessively hard shocks. theres a few minor cracks in places there shouldnt be. good old MIG will fix this.

    so what am i doing?


    will be going with a 1.6L turbo-diesel, intercooled, garrett T3 and performance injection pump. ported and polished head.

    new parts:
    - entire valvetrain and all valves (hydraulic lifter)
    - balanced crank
    - ARP or raceware head studs*
    - water pump
    - injector pump
    - oil cooler
    - 3" mandrel exhaust (and downpipe)*
    - ceramic coated pistons

    run atleast 20Psi, should easily top 110hp@4500 and who knows up to 5500. should still be good for 5l/100km too


    will be running coilovers all round.


    - mk3 booster, master cyl, pedal switch. mk3 rear drums. GTI from vented rotors and calipers
    - 20mm front sway bar - still looking for something for the rear

    new parts:
    - upper front mounts
    - tie rod assemblies
    - all boots
    - entire urethane bushing kit
    - urethane engine mount insterts
    - coilovers (probably hottuning, haha)
    - front upper strut brace, tied to lower wishbone brace, tied to chassis (like a k-bar arrangement but also tied to the upper strut brace)
    - rear strut brace

    - running 14x6.5 BBS and conti rubber


    will be basically the same. will be tidying up all rust and adding new carpet.


    continuation of current situation - everything is getting a relay! WOOOT! relays for all the reasonable current draw stuff - wipers, lights, etc etc etc.

    thats about it really. this car will be a daily, and a weekender, and everything. no mercy will be shown, no any extra special treatment once its done. its going to be my DRIVING car.
    i cant wait to add to this thread!
    Last edited by gldgti; 25-07-2008 at 10:53 PM.
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
    '98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Users Country Flag
    im eagerly awaiting updates man, and PHOTOS
    sounds awesome
    VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    awsome 2 or 4dr? btw you have a pm
    2x Caddy, 1x Ducato

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Is it the blue? Or the white one in your sig?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    This sounds good. I'll definately be keeping an eye on this thread

    Look forward to more updates
    Last edited by evorobin; 27-07-2008 at 01:05 AM.

    i like volkswagens
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Orange NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by Mischa View Post
    awsome 2 or 4dr? btw you have a pm
    It's the brother to mine. It's a 4 door.

    Oh, and i'll be keeping my eye (both if it gets super interesting) on this thread. (Subscribed!)

    Good luck Aydan, should be a super economical weapon!

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    sound like this should be fun ,
    cheers brenton
    MK1 4door
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    its the white mk1 4dr in his sig.

    its my fault its off the road... i stole his carby

    should be a fun little car. im excited.
    TDI mk1 on the road!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Orange NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by mollins View Post
    its the white mk1 4dr in his sig.

    its my fault its off the road... i stole his carby

    should be a fun little car. im excited.
    Well thats not very nice! I'm looking forward to this build. Hoping to learn a bit about diesels.

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Gosford Central Coast NSW
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    Mig Welding Machine Review

    Well on the weekend i managed to get my little MIG going, and i thought id give you guys a quick run down so that anyone who is interested in getting one themselves may be a little better informed.

    The model i purchased was from a sydney based ebay store, and is marketed as a "Mars 200 MIG/MAG Welding machine". its made in china and is painted a pretty blue colour

    the specs are:

    185A max capacity +-7.5%
    15% max load duty cycle
    gas or gas-less capable
    0.8-1.2mm MS, 0.8-1.0mm stainless
    11 position current setting switch and infinitely adjustable wire speed

    i spent 1/2 hour making up a gas line with $2 fittings from bunnings, and the welding machine has provision for a bottle at the back - and E size bottle fits nicely.

    so far, i've only used 0.8mm MS wire (can't see myself needing bigger wire for anything at home) and its worked PERFECTLY. i'm really surprised. no gas leaks, very nice wire speed control, steady current flow. it'll weld forever at current setting "4" (out of 10) and do a decent 5mm throat weld with no trouble...

    plugs into a normal 10A outlet (no long earth prong) and hasnt set anything on fire (yet )

    so anyone out there looking for a mig to do your bodywork and exhaust stuff at home - this little baby will get you out of trouble.
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
    '98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
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