76er Swallowtail K-Jet turbo build
Over the last few month's I've been increasingly getting bored & needed something to do, other than help my friend's with there project's.
Which has led me to get motivated to continue carry on with phase #2 on the 76er, my daily since building it in May 08.

I've been gathering part's for the build over the last few month's for the turbo build up.
I thought I'd have a go at doing it "ol skool" style being a K-Jet turbo.
The spec is very basic & very, very mild. (only running 10psi, but maybe more if I can get the fueling right!) Nothing outrageous - Power expectation is unknown at this point. But hopefully it should be fun for awhile once sorted out.
Bone stock low compression "GX" "SLUG"
Autotech 270 Cam & Valve springs
Modified G60 intake
Ol Skool "BIG" Weber/Redline Throttle body I found. (This was a common mod to replace the stock twin throttle body in the 80's & can be a pain in the arse to find one)
Same stock Volvo K-Jet I've already fitted, except deleted Aux. air valve & Cold start valve
Audi 5000T boost referenced Warm up Regulator
Stock modified Distributor
ATP Cast 8V exhaust manifold
Saab T3 oil/watercooled turbo. V-Band 3" wastegate/dump pipe
Mitsubishi Galant VR4 Intercooler
Custom 2.5" exhaust & 2" intercooler piping
Tial 50mm BOV. (I'll be using this for my next project in the future.)
I'll also be fitting a Innovate Motorsport's wideband Air/Fuel meter/data logger to help me with the tuning side of thing's along with a modified Autometer fuel pressure gauge setup & also my favorite part. A genuine Callaway boost gauge, as fitted as part there Mk1 turbo kit's in the 80's!
I'll be tuning this myself, as there isn't a hell of alot of people out there who can successfully tune this sort of injection system, especially turbocharged too!
Once I'm happy with the tune, I'll put it on a dyno to get a idea of the power output.
I'm still waiting on some part's to arrive soon, but I'll post up what I've got & work done so far.
Saab Turbo & boost regulator (Just have to remove a broken bolt from the exhaust housing! DOH!) It's not a big turbo by all mean's (it's tiny to the other one I have here!), but it should be enough for now, until I get really power hungry. Only a matter of time! haha

New Engine Breather/catch can setup. I know. No more Powerade bottle! haha

Audi 5000T boost referenced Warm Up Regulator fitted

Autometer Fuel pressure tester I modified for testing purposes of the K-Jet, as this is how you basically tune a K-Jet system Note: the fuel tap to switch between "System" pressure & "Control" pressure

Weber "BIG" Throttle body

Test mounted up the intercooler to work out the bracket's & mounting after it was pressure tested. All good.

I placed it so it has full frontage coverage of the intercooler core & still has room to have the piping fitted. Once painted black, you won't even know it's there!

Had to relocate the Radiator back 1" & across to the driver's side 2" & then bend up a cover plate for the radiator core. Note: Underneath is is lined with some stick on foam to protect the rad. fins & keep it from moving.

Intercooler with the mounting bracket's welded on

It's not a very big intercooler, but it will do the job easy as. A friend fitted one of these to to his TRX CA18T & on 20psi it made 199rwkw's & didn't have any trouble keeping the intake charge cool as!

Assorted boost piping & oil supply & return braided hoses & fitting's.

Volvo "Cobra head" K-Jet airflap intake boot

Innovate Motorsport's wideband A/F meter & data logger equipment

Callway Boost Gauge. (I've had this for year's waiting for the perfect project!)

Another Project that has been waiting in the wind's for a few years now. One day!

Stay tuned for more. Just waiting on part's now!
Alittle bit has been happening in the way of Preeny helping me out with a custom adjustable one way valve for the warm up reg boost reference.

Now still waiting on part's to arrive.
Well not much has been happening as of late due to other project's & job's to get done first. (see below),

Enough of that! Onto the intake.
I did get a chance to remove all the useless mounting boss' off the G60 intake I've got here & went & sandblasted it today at a friend's workshop. I also drilled & tapped one of the manifold fitting's with a plug, as I only need one port for the brake booster. It also came standard with a boost/vacuum fitting on the end, which will come in handy for the other component's
These intakes do look alot bigger, but these intakes aren't really suited to NA purposes. These are mainly for forced induction only, due to slow air speeds through the runner's on NA application's. You'd be better off with a properly match ported & bottom 1/2 half of the runner ported/blended.

Here you can clearly see how much larger the intake runners are compared to the standard 8V K-Jet intake of a GTI.
I'm also not running any cold start injector or a aux. bypass valve to simplify the setup & also less chances of boost leak's too!

Rest of the part's arrive next week, but I'll have to get these other job's done first.
Another piece of the puzzle "finally" turned up this week too!
Weber Throttle body & Redline adapter!
Needs only alittle clean up. Very happy with it.

Well I thought I'd match port the redline intake to the G60 intake as I've been motivated lately just to do anything around the house & in the shed, so I went shopping for some more porting burrs of different sizes & shape's, as I've already got a bluepoint die grinder & snap-on 8 carbide burr kit here.
But here's the problem. As much as I love going tool shopping, I bloody hate it, as I always come home with stuff I don't really need, or had future plan's on buying when the need arose.
All I wanted was some nut's & bolt's & a couple of porting burrs!
So here's what I ended up with -
8" Abbott Ashby bench grinder with a wire wheel attachment
M16 x 2.00 Tap
Various stainless nuts & bolt's for the project & shed supplies
Carbide burrs with short & long shank's of different shapes & sizes
Porting flapper wheels
WD40 gun & 4 litre container
Pic. time

Snap-on burr set & Bluepoint Die Grinder

Mounted up the bench grinder on an old truck drum stand I made ages ago

To match the other grinder/linisher & drill press on truck drum stand's. These are sturdy as all buggery & I got them for nothing as they were scrap. All it cost me was the metal to make up the rest of the stands
On with the build
I dismantled the Throttle body for a clean up & inspection & removed one of the ugly brass fitting's it came with standard so I could plug it up.

Where the brass fitting used to be. You can see in a previous pic, a big tube style fitting hanging out of the side of it with a screw head on the end.

Get the Tap & cutting compound. This stuff is by far the best stuff I have ever used for cutting threads & even drilling!

Run the Tap down gently

New thread all cleaned up

Bung fitted & sealed with pipe sealant

Then onto match porting the redline adapter with the intake manifold gasket.
I didn't follow the line to the letter, as the material would have become very narrow even for the gasket, especially under boost pressure too, so I left some meat where it open's up the the bigger end!
You can see how much material had to be removed!

Finished product. I finished it off with the flapper wheels. They work awesome at smooth everything out!
Redline adapter

Intake Manifold

I blended in the opening into the first port runner as smooth as I could. I'm not a pro at this. Just enjoy doing it! haha

With the adapter mounted up. I tried to make the transition as smooth as possible without sharp edges or turn's & blended it into the manifold.
Came up ok I reckon

With the throttle mounted up. I also tapped & inserted a bung into one of the fitting's I didn't need in the intake too. I only need one fitting for the brake booster.

Open wide!!!!!

I'm not too worried about port matching to head at the moment. If the engine blows a headgasket & I remove & dismantle the head, I'll do it then. But can't be stuff with the engine still in the car.
I'll also do the exhaust manifold too when it turn's up, but I'll only match it to the exhaust manifold gasket's.
Well I've been flatout here lately, with car shows/event's & other general service stuff, but a big shipment has finally come in & everything has been going full steam ahead.
Heres the latest shipment of part's. Mainly the main part's I've been waiting on to get things going

I decided to get a Tial BOV with V-Band, as it matchs a Tial Wastegate I've got here for another engine build later on

Internal Wastegate assembly which transfers into a 3" V-Band

BIG difference to the standard Saab exhaust/wastegate assembly & the "whopping" great big 2" dump pipe! Very restrictive too!

The all important 8V cast exhaust manifold

Various gasket's, adapters & oil fittings

Some new brakes, as the old ones are, well old & warped!
ATE Power disc's front & rear. I got some 280mm for the big wheels & some standard 239mm Ive I ever decide to put smaller wheel's on to drag it

So with nearly all the major parts in hand, it was time to get thing's moving along as fast as possible
Before Engine bay shots

Didn't take too long to strip it all down & start mocking everything up & then came across some trouble! All this kit is for a LHD car! DOH!
There will be a few mod's here & there to get everything to fit O.K.!
But after scrounging through some various nut's, bolt & studs & even having to make different bolt's with the help of Dom, I finally got there
Fitted up the ATP 3" wastegate V-Band adapter in the process
I painted all the cast exhaust manifold, turbo housing in VHT High temp Matt Black . Awesome stuff & the rest of the dump pipe will get the same treatment

It's a bloody tight fit! It's less than 5mm off resting on the steering shaft boot! Ah well. The old extractor's rested on it anyway!
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