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Thread: 1987 Audi 200 tq

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    1987 Audi 200 tq

    Hi Guys,

    Thought I would start a build thread for the new toy she's not the prettiest thing but I got her for the princely sum of $250 and 4 cases of beer and much to my girlfriends dismay, i proudly brought home the above car.

    The best surprise was it has had a manual conversion, sunroof, power mirrors, power seats with memory, cruise control. Wow its pretty fast too!!!!!!!!!

    Finally I have a 5cyl to play around with even if its the 10v version who cares its a 5 pot!!!!!

    Problems so far

    1) Surging under power
    2) Boost spikes
    3) Boost leaks
    4) headliner dropping
    5) Front shocks (^*^%&
    6) Paint average

    Awesome things

    1) Manual
    2) All power things work mirrors, windows sunroof, seats, steering
    3) Old School Laggy turbo goodness
    4) Hilarious

    Today Andy and wayne at baytech automotive solved the surging problem. Who ever did the manual conversion rigged up the throttle cable by zip tying it to the brake master cylinder. Hence when you accelerate the motor moves causing a double acceleration (surging effect). Courtesy of an audi 80 donor car they whipped up this solution

    I also started stripping the interior for a good clean up heres a little guide

    Front seats

    1) Remove end caps from the seat rails

    2) Un bolt the 2 bolts holding your seat to the floor from the front
    3) Tilt back unplug wiring loom
    4) slide out backwards


    Rear seats

    1) Remove head rests, this done by removing the holding clip under the headrest in the middle of the plastic trim
    2) Open the boot push in the 4 large plastic tabs holding the head rests in place
    3) Remove the bottom session couple clips
    4) Remove the seat back by lifting the whole piece up


    Head Lining

    1) Remove all the hand grabs couple screws in each
    2) Remove pillar trims, plastic clips hold them in, a bit of gentle force should unclip everything
    3) rip off your sagging roof lining in a fit of rage to reveal lots of horrible orange glue stuff (don't do this it makes a hell of a mess)

    4) The roof lining in essentially just cardboard so be careful not to rip when your trying to get it unglued from the roof, I would recommend using a paint scraper or large chisel to do this. Work slowly until you free all the glued areas, around the sunroof there are clips that hold the roof lining on with a small screw driver you can un clip these with mild force. Boom should drop out now, because you have already taken your seats out with wiggling you should be able to get it out of the back door.

    Not Easy!!!

    Rear tail light

    Well thats a sad looking site a cracked rear light, how did that happen? Who backed into a trailer because the 200 doesn't have reverse sensors?

    1) Remove covers

    2) Use an 8 mm spanner to undo the light cover

    3) Un clip the bulb holder, now with a screw driver gently push between the light and the car body as the light is held in with a type of plastic seal/sticky stuff

    4) clean up new light cover reapply sealant, repeat steps 2 and 1 in reserve and finish


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    That's not ugly. Drop it super low (but keep those wheels) and fit some really dark window tint. That's all you need to give it a real gangster look.



  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hi Folks,

    After spending a couple weeks looking at ideas on the WWW I finally have come up with a direction for the 200, as it is already kinda of abnormal looking I thought I would continue that theme and make the car a little bit quirky. I want to modernise the interior leave the outside some what ghetto add some (80'esse) rally flair, mix a bit of fun in and mildly increase the power to around the max capability of the CIS injection which is 220ish hp.

    Righto so where am I up too.


    As you have seen above the roof lining was shagged the original colour was light beigee tan yukkkkkkk, I ended up going with a nice charcoal marco suede for the lining, pillars then had the sun-visors dyed a satin black. We then added a little colour and child hood memories for fun on the sunroof and light console.

    Until more funds are found for a fully re-trim the seats have been heavily shampooed and are much cleaner



    I also had some presents turn up in the mail.......

    These are one of my favourite rims of all time Audi flat 5's, i'm still not sure though as I had really wanted something with dish and mesh. But these seem to be super hard to come buy so I grabbed them while I could.

    I some how managed to find a chipped ecu and 1.9 Bar Waste gate spring too (love ebay)



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    Well I found these today.....

    I love the flat 5's but BBS + Dish + +13 offset is awesome



  5. #5
    Join Date
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    they look legit and possibly more period correct looking I guess but those flat 5's are always a winner.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    BBS over the flat 5's anyday.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    Flat5s would look out of place I think being a big looking 18
    Bora gone
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Best looking car to come out in the eighties.
    1983 here is Aus.Compare that to an 83 Falcon or Crappydore.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by KI11Z View Post
    they look legit and possibly more period correct looking I guess but those flat 5's are always a winner.....
    Quote Originally Posted by sports racer View Post
    BBS over the flat 5's anyday.
    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    Flat5s would look out of place I think being a big looking 18
    Quote Originally Posted by Stanton View Post
    Best looking car to come out in the eighties.
    1983 here is Aus.Compare that to an 83 Falcon or Crappydore.

    Test fit reveals they clear everything and sit Hella flush should look great with a bit of stretch. Only problem is I wont be able to run spacers as the ET is so aggressive, looks like I will need to have my hubs welded and re-drilled as 5 x 120 PCD with M14 instead of 5 x 112 PCD M12.
    Any one recommend some one in melbounre who can do the job???

    Also managed to pull out the dash today thanks to this guy!! It was badly cracked so its off to be re-trimmed!!

    Should be fun piecing this lot back together

    Last edited by ppoida; 21-07-2014 at 08:03 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
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    gotta run those bbs's, would be real ghetto. What type are they? look like something off a slightly later model audi or old school Volvo ha

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