Any chance this will make vits dom? RS MK4 R32
Can't wait to see this
Bora gone Vento VR6 MKIV GSW TDI 7P Touareg TDI
Seeing as though you live in Strathfield, and so do I... I WANT TO SEE IT!!!
.:R32 8L S3 Mk3 VR6 - SOLD Flickr
Very excited for this.
i like volkswagens My blog:
Originally Posted by ffoff Any chance this will make vits dom? Vits Josh? Anyways anyone been to manilla? Here she is as I dropped her for the new zorst was a short lived cruise but I'll have her in a couple days
76 Scirocco
Vdubs in the square!
hot damn.
jizzzzzzzzzzzzzed in my pants
dude, yes!
Such a good colour! Day made after seeing this
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