I have the Bentley manual for the Mk3, bought from Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Volkswagen-Jet...3512722&sr=8-3
It was cheaper to buy directly than it was to order it from Borders book shop, even though shipping can suck.
i'm after a mk1 workshop manual of some kind/haynes manual covering everything...
and mk3 workshop manual, one that focuses on electrics and motor mechanics would be good...
anyone who thinks they may have something similar... let us know
I have the Bentley manual for the Mk3, bought from Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Volkswagen-Jet...3512722&sr=8-3
It was cheaper to buy directly than it was to order it from Borders book shop, even though shipping can suck.
If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit
I've got a brand new Haynes manual for the MK1 sitting here.
ok just need a mk3 manual.... one focusing on the engine would be good, but
probably doesn't exist...
Are you looking at the 2 litre engine? The same engines are used in the Passat, which would widen your search criteria if thats all you need.
Thing is around this era Haynes left the 'workshop' manual and went to the 'service and repair' which are nowhere near as detailed.
ahhhh ok.
yep it's the 2L...you wouldn't happen to have one would you ?
Bentley has all the electric diagrams.
MK1 Golf/Rabbit Bentley manual's aren't printed anymore, correct? Hence they're very hard to find/expensive when you do?
These manuals are hard to get hold of aren't they....