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Thread: VIC Motorsport 2011

  1. #121
    Join Date
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    Melbourne VIC

    100% you can enter on the day.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaanage View Post
    Water Boy, can you confirm that this can be done?

    Maybe a few of us can roll down together early in the morning (need time to swap my wheels over at the track).
    yeh I'm going to run the wheels down there to take the top layer off them. Need to get a fire extinguisher tomorrow and mount that up, also raise the front end a smidge.

    Sounds good to me Greg, can spend Friday night getting prepped
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  3. #123
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    when are youse guys going? can i chime in?

    or do youse want me to chime out? hahaha LATE 90'S ENGLISH FTW!!!!!

  4. #124
    Join Date
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    i'll be heading down for a gander.....

    i like volkswagens
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  5. #125
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoLfMan View Post
    yeh I'm going to run the wheels down there to take the top layer off them.
    If you're breaking in a set of semi-slicks, have a THOROUGH look over them for any objects you may have picked up on the drive down when you get to the track (like jack the car up and spin the wheels while checking the tread). You don't want to trash a brand new tyre like I did (see page 8 of this thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by GoLfMan View Post
    Sounds good to me Greg, can spend Friday night getting prepped
    I'd like to get to the track by 8am so leave from somewhere around Brandon Park at 6:30am if anyone else wants to be up that early.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buller_Scott View Post
    when are youse guys going? can i chime in?

    or do youse want me to chime out? hahaha LATE 90'S ENGLISH FTW!!!!!
    Always glad to have you along, Scotty. I may get you to do some timing for me if you can be bothered.

  6. #126
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by kaanage View Post
    leave from somewhere around Brandon Park at 6:30am if anyone else wants to be up that early.

    Always glad to have you along, Scotty. I may get you to do some timing for me if you can be bothered.
    i'll be up that early

    you bet, greg - i'll gladly do some timing on the trusty iphone.

    read the deets earlier on in the thread, but just to confirm - this saturday morning, philip island (not winton). im retarded but i cant have got THIS wrong.

    yeah.... i'll come for sure.

    just one thing - i'll be useless in terms of helping people as my lumbar disc herniation is playing up again - been incapacitated all week, high on painkillers so no lifting / bending over for me (←←← DONT!!!!!!!!!)
    Last edited by Buller_Scott; 09-11-2011 at 11:03 PM.

  7. #127
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    They aren't a new set of semis by any means. This will be their last track day, might drive down on my road wheels and just change over when I get there

    Got to get a fire extinguisher today and hope like hell my CAMS licence comes in....

    ---------- Post added at 04:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 AM ----------

    Semi Slicks washed and ready, fire extinguisher bought (mount it tomorrow), filled up with premo sniff, control arms are close enough to level for me not to adjust suspension height. Win. Im excited
    VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
    There are few things more satisfying in life than finding a solution to a problem and implementing it
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  8. #128
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    Have fun guys! Weather is looking tops!

    Wish I could go but unfortunately I have work to do.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Im leaving Heathmont at 6:30am.

    I have wheels fiited, extinguisher mounted, cars cleaned, fluids checked, helmet tools etc.

    My Dad is bringing down an L34 torona that is off its nut. Hello...

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Simon is bringing his Audi 80 Quattro down for some laps Waterboy.
    99 Audi TT quattro + a few mods.... 2011 Runner up Best Audi Coupe @ the South East Dub Fest
    93 Audi 80 quattro prepping into track car
    76 Audi Fox

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