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Thread: VIC Haunted Hills Hill Climb 27/9/09

  1. #1
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    VIC Haunted Hills Hill Climb 27/9/09

    A few people have asked about this so I thought I'd start a thread to deal with the questions and get the info out there. Follow the links! There's a bunch of reading to do.

    The event is being run by the Holden Sporting Car Club of Victoria and the Ford Four Car Club as part of their Ford vs Holden speed series (and part of the Group 5 speed series too).

    The supp regs can be downloaded from this link in word format.

    The venue belongs to the Gippsland Car Club . Here's a link to the google map

    You'll need a CAMS S2 (or superior) License and membership of a CAMs affiliated club.

    Classes are as per all group 5 events. The PIARC site has the details here and here.

    Your car will need to comply with pertinent CAMS regulations.

    That should be enough to get you started, we'll work through the questions together.

    I'll be trailering the white MK1 out there on the day. Pit crew volunteers and spectators welcome!

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  2. #2
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    Here's an extract of the supp regs for the click impaired.

    Group 5 Hillclimb
    27th September 2009
    1.The meeting shall be held under the International Sporting Code of the F.I.A., the National Competition Rules (NCR) of the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Limited (CAMS), the Speed Event Standing Regulations, these supplementary regulations and any further regulations if issued. This event will be conducted under and in accordance with CAMS OH&S and risk management policies, which can be found at CAMS website
    2.The C.A.M.S. Permit Number is: 309/2709/04
    3.This will be a Multi-Club hillclimb, promoted by and the Holden Sporting Car Club Inc. and Ford Four Car Club Inc. To be held at Haunted Hills Circuit Bill Shultz Drive Yallourn on Sunday 27 September 2009, open to members of clubs affiliated with CAMS. The event will be conducted under and in accordance with the CAMS OH&S and Risk Management policies, which can be found at

    4.The officials of the event are:
    i.Clerk of Course Vlad Kowal CAMS Lic:9892635
    ii.Secretary Frank Rogan 9726839
    iii.Stewards Debbie Tatt CAMS Lic: 1023428
    Peter Stewart CAMS Lic:10414484

    5.Entries open on the publication of these regulations and close on 27/9/09 at 9.30am. The field will be limited to 60 entries. Entries will be accepted in order of receipt. The entry fee will be $70.00 for paid entries received before 25/09/09 and $75.00 for entries received thereafter. The promoters reserve the right to refuse any entry, in accordance with the NCR and to cancel the event if insufficient entries are received.

    6.Scrutiny will commence at 8.00 am and finish at 9.30am. A compulsory driver’s briefing that must be attended by all drivers will then take place after which competition will commence. Competition shall consist at least 4 runs of the hillclimb track in a clockwise direction. The running order will be given at drivers briefing. Changes to the running order are the sole discretion of the Clerk of Course.

    7.Drivers must present their current Club Membership and CAMS level 2S Licence or Superior to the event secretary before their cars will be scrutineered.

    8.Competition laps will be electronically timed to 1/100th second. Prizes will be in the form of trophies for fastest individual run for class

    9.Classes will be as follows: as per series Group 5 regulations.

    The Chief Scrutineer will be the Judge of Fact (in accordance with NCR 177) with regard to class eligibility and vehicle safety. Classes will be combined if there are insufficient competitors in any class. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that the competing vehicle complies with the nominated class regulations. Failure to so may result in the vehicle being re-classified by the promoter or disciplinary action taking place.

    10.This event shall be open to all vehicles conforming to Section 6, Schedule A and Schedule B of the 2009 CAMS Manual.

    11.For Road Registered cars, the minimum requirements include:
    a.Be fitted with two separate fastening systems for all vehicles except those with forward hinged bonnets.
    b.A safety belt or harness as prescribed in Schedule I.
    c.A fire extinguisher conforming to CAMS requirements. (AS 1841 [except 1841.2]) firmly fitted and readily accessible (BCF/Halon Type extinguishers will not be accepted).

    a. Whilst competing, all competitors must wear:
    i.Non synthetic clothing covering neck to wrist & ankle;
    ii.A Helmet conforming with the current CAMS Manual Section 6 Schedule D & is deemed by the scrutineers to be suitable for competition.
    iii.A Safety belt or harness as prescribed in Schedule I.
    b.All open vehicles must have an approved roll bar and the driver must wear approved goggles.
    c.No passengers are allowed in competing vehicles.
    d.Numbers are to be displayed during the course of the competition but must be removed or covered before being used on public roads.
    e.Any competitor exceeding 10kph in the pits/paddock will be excluded.
    f.Re-runs will only occur at the discretion of the Clerk of Course.
    g.All removable objects (including tools, jacks, spare wheels and wheel trims) must be removed from the vehicle.
    h.Any competitor who after leaving the track re-joins at a dangerous speed or with the wheels spinning will be excluded.
    i.All competing vehicles are required to have an effective muffler in the exhaust system. Megaphones will not be permitted.
    j.Camping within the confines of the circuit is strictly prohibited.

    During any event, consumption of alcoholic beverages in the paddock, pits or any other portion of the competition venue under the control of the officials is expressly forbidden until all practice or competition activity is concluded for each day. Any driver or crew member who is found to be affected by alcohol on the day of the event or practice therefore shall not be permitted to participate. Refer NCR 145A of the Current CAMS Manual. In addition, the persons concerned will be subject to the Articles of the Standard Operating Procedure for Alcohol Testing and CAMS Anti-Doping Policy. Competitors, crews or officials may be randomly tested for alcohol by a CAMS Accredited Testing Official (CATO) or other drugs at any time during the event(s). The CAMS Anti Doping Policy, as appears in the CAMS Manual of Motor Sport and as amended from time to time, is recognised as an integral component of the NCR and is duly authorised as such. In any areas where the National Competition Rules and the CAMS Anti Doping Policy conflict, the CAMS Anti Doping Policy will take precedence.

    79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
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  3. #3
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    Hmmmm I was planning on hitting up the Hills soon so this may be chance...

  4. #4
    its the weekend i am moving
    '91 2.0 8v GTI

    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    I have wood thinking about you

  5. #5
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    Sounds good, would be a first for me. I better look at getting an extinguisher fitted to my passenger seat rail
    Any VW CAMS aff. clubs I could join in Melb?

    APR S2/Whiteline/H&R/Enkei/Carbonio/13.68@101/Winton-1:44.52

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by adzy View Post
    Sounds good, would be a first for me. I better look at getting an extinguisher fitted to my passenger seat rail
    Any VW CAMS aff. clubs I could join in Melb?
    There's a whole thread on CAMS affiliated clubs here.

    There's also a list on the CAMS Website.

    The obvious choice is The VW Club of Victoria another popular choice is PIARC (Phillip Island Auto Racing Club)

    I'm in VWCV.

    You'll need your club membership before you can apply for your CAMS license so APPLY TODAY! If you leave it to the last minute you won't end up doing it. For some events they'll sell you a membership and a CAMS license on the day but you're far better off getting organised well beforehand. If you apply for your CAMS license via a club they can give you an interim license until your permanent license arrives, otherwise apply directly to CAMS.

    79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
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  7. #7
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    fantastic, Im finally going to try and make this one!
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  8. #8
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    With regard to Fire Extinguishers CAMS Schedule H refers.

    In a nut shell it'll pass scrutineering IF

    • It's sercurely mounted
    • It's bracket is made of metal (NOT plastic)
    • The pressure guage is in the Green
    • It complies with AS1841 but NOT AS1841.2
    • Has a capacity of at least 900g.
    • It's mounted within reach of the driver

    Don't be too scared by all of this - Autobarn sells 'em for about $30.

    79 MK1 Golf Wreck to Race / 79 MK1 Golf The Red Thread / 76 MK1 Golf Kamei Race Car
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Jones View Post
    There's a whole thread on CAMS affiliated clubs here.

    There's also a list on the CAMS Website.

    The obvious choice is The VW Club of Victoria another popular choice is PIARC (Phillip Island Auto Racing Club)

    I'm in VWCV.

    You'll need your club membership before you can apply for your CAMS license so APPLY TODAY! If you leave it to the last minute you won't end up doing it. For some events they'll sell you a membership and a CAMS license on the day but you're far better off getting organised well beforehand. If you apply for your CAMS license via a club they can give you an interim license until your permanent license arrives, otherwise apply directly to CAMS.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Jones View Post
    With regard to Fire Extinguishers CAMS Schedule H refers.

    In a nut shell it'll pass scrutineering IF

    • It's sercurely mounted
    • It's bracket is made of metal (NOT plastic)
    • The pressure guage is in the Green
    • It complies with AS1841 but NOT AS1841.2
    • Has a capacity of at least 900g.
    • It's mounted within reach of the driver

    Don't be too scared by all of this - Autobarn sells 'em for about $30.

    I'm getting excited now

    Thanks heaps for the info and suggestions Pete it is hard to get educated on the competition side of things as many ppl dont give u their time and effort.

    Thanks Pete


    APR S2/Whiteline/H&R/Enkei/Carbonio/13.68@101/Winton-1:44.52

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by adzy View Post
    I'm getting excited now

    Thanks heaps for the info and suggestions Pete it is hard to get educated on the competition side of things as many ppl dont give u their time and effort.

    Thanks Pete

    No problems, as Mod of this section I sort of see it as my job.

    I've been meaning to write up a getting started in Motorsport thread and sticky it. I'll re-use the info I've posted here when I get around to it.There's a lot of info to wade through and it's real hard going into it cold and you don't have friends that are already in the scene.

    Also check out my wreck to race thread, there's a lot of info in there too as I went through the process of getting my car race ready.

    I don't know all the answers of course but I'm always willing to learn and there's a lot of very knowledgable people on this forum.

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