Hello Motorsport Fans,
After four seasons in one day, and the final day of heated European motorsport action for the 08 season, the Rennenhaus Wakefield Park Time Attack Event Report is here.
There were three highly contested battles on the cards for the final round, three classes and three groups of competitors whose point score was so close; no one could tell how it would end, and who would emerge victorious…who would reap the rewards?
Unfortunately the event sold out quickly, so quickly in fact that there was enough room on the reserve list to fill a complete 2nd track day…and subsequently some competitors were left behind - book early next year guys or you will undoubtedly be left watching from the sidelines.
So who stands on the podium after a year of nail biting competition…lets start at the beginning.
There is no denying Paul ‘Floody’ Flood is a quick man behind a steering wheel, with a number of fastest driver wins under his belt this year the figures speak for themselves however, a number of competitors stood between him and the prize pool – Simon Spain especially.
Simon only emerged in the series at the 2nd last round however, stood a real chance of winning the series if he could get past Paul…unfortunately Simon failed to show handing the season win to Paul – Congratulations Champion…next year might not be so easy though.
One of the hottest battles of the year, between two close friends, is still up in the air - we have a whole year of data to sort through…that and we still not have seen the results from the last round at the time this went to print. One thing is for sure it will be close…stay tuned.
Another close battle which had the crowd, and fellow competitors on the edge of their seats was between the two fastest competitors this year – Nick Strange (VW GTI) and Massimo Bamonte (Audi S3) was scheduled to really set the track on fire at the final round.
Unfortunately other racing commitments prevented Nick from being present on the day - and good thing to for Massimo too as a timing incident failed to record any times for his first session…that would have been really close. As such the win for the series goes to the man who defies the laws of physic’s – Congratulations Massimo.
It wasn’t smooth sailing for Massimo though with Ben ‘Cranky’ Hinton hot on his heels and carving up the field (especially in the wet). Ben has come a long way in this series with his skill level and car control improving in leaps and bounds to the point where John ‘Bozman’ Boston confirmed there were no more seconds to be found from himself – attention now should be focused on the car. Congratulations Ben, that is without doubt an awesome result, you should be rightly chuffed…who knows, next year the trophy and the series could be yours.
Stay tuned for more results and event photography as they come to hand.