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Soon we will know what happened.
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R.I.P. Sean Edwards, said news.
Do you reckon stuck throttle?
such sad news
11 MK6 Golf R- Name: Sully - bits of stuff and code and stuff to make it a bit faster i hope
It makes me extremely sad. It's so unfair.
I'm not going to speculate publicly on the cause.
11 MK6 Golf R- Name: Sully - bits of stuff and code and stuff to make it a bit faster i hope
Very sad. RIP Sean
I know that police were asking the public if they had any camera footage of the incident. I heard that no one has come forward with anything (yet). I wonder if the car had a camera installed and if it was recording. Perhaps that can be recovered by the FCU.
From another report yesterday:
UPDATE: Will Holzheimer remains in an induced coma - Speedcafe
What a shame and waste of a talented young man.
So it appears they are suggesting some sort of mechanical failure because the chap driving was quite well trained?
I personally know the family involved, and had many friends at the track day (we were supposed to be there) - it's a very tragic thing, and a lot of people have been traumatised by the event.
Will was a very experienced driver, I have personally done dozens of Porsche Club QLD sprints with him, and two Bathurst's so I do not think it's fair to speculate on anything, and certainly nobody want's to feed the media any mis-information.
Thank you, Guy, for posting. It is indeed traumatic and I can't imagine how I'd feel if I had been there. I feel terrible as it is. In fact, I can't stop thinking about it. It's difficult to refrain from asking all the questions going on in my head, which I'm sure are going in other people's minds as well, but I am purposely avoiding posts speculating on the cause of the crash.
I only hope for three things: 1. That Will pulls through and lives a long, healthy and happy life; 2. That Sean's family and loved ones pull through and live long, healthy and happy lives; and 3. That we, as regular participants in track events at QR and as fellow human beings, discover the true cause of this horrific catastrophe and learn something very important and meaningful from it.