Nice attack, Nat.
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Nice attack, Nat.
Play of the day stuff Nat. And good work too Ben to get another PB.
Now when do the times go up on Natsoft, I'm curious about my times in the 5th session as I didn't get a printout. If I didn't get faster in that session, I don't know how I will, lol.
I didn't do any video, now thinking I should have so I can review my lines.
I think someone enters the Natsoft times manually, so it might have to wait they sober up.
Anyone know if there is any photo?
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Check and also their FB page
Unfortunately no..
65sec was the best I can get out from the Hard Dunlop Semi
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cheers for the videos fellas, impressive stuff and will definitely give me some tips for next time...
like i said on saturday, you guys make it look easy. hats off...