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Thread: Vic. hillclimb championship.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Yarra Junction, Melbourne.

    Vic. hillclimb championship.

    Hey sports fans,

    I went to the first round of the Vic. hill climb champs, at Rob Roy in the Christmas hills, to check out the competition in Improved prouction 1601-2000cc in anticipation of having AusMk1's car to compete in.

    I was pretty surprise to find another mk1 competing a white 4 door running a mk2 GTi 1.8 + 5speed. It will be great to have another mk1 to compete aginst not just the clock.

    Anyone else in vic with a golf thats interested in hill climbs? it would be so cool to have a few more on the track.

    BTW, other VAG products getting a good thrashing were a '81 Quattro, 1500 Beetle, think it was running a 1916cc, and a few Formular V's

    '03 LT35
    '89 Syncro Kombi

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Users Country Flag
    Got any pics?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    What has been done to your Mk1... Give us some pics and spec... Ill have a Golf running soon again in sprints, hill climbs and motokhana's...

    Cheers James

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Yarra Junction, Melbourne.
    Thread Starter
    Hi James,

    just picked mine up last weekend, needs a bit more work than anticipated but you get that with cars bought sight unseen, still it's a pretty sound base to work from.
    '76 2 door fitted with a 2e 2l. Inj. and 5 speed gti box, has a manifold back large bore exhaust no cat, adj. cam wheel, cam specs unkown, pod filter. internals standard, plan to install: larger exhaust valves and port, increase comp. ratio, lighten / balance bottom end, then further down the track convert to Megasquirt management.

    Chassis has bilstein shocks and stiffer/ lower springs and a whiteline front sway bar. Has an alloy half cage that needs replacing for circuit racing and harnesses that have almost expired, they may still be ok for hillclimbs ect.

    great to here from another keen golfer.

    '03 LT35
    '89 Syncro Kombi

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Quote Originally Posted by hill billy
    Hi James,

    just picked mine up last weekend, needs a bit more work than anticipated but you get that with cars bought sight unseen, still it's a pretty sound base to work from.
    '76 2 door fitted with a 2e 2l. Inj. and 5 speed gti box, has a manifold back large bore exhaust no cat, adj. cam wheel, cam specs unkown, pod filter. internals standard, plan to install: larger exhaust valves and port, increase comp. ratio, lighten / balance bottom end, then further down the track convert to Megasquirt management.

    Chassis has bilstein shocks and stiffer/ lower springs and a whiteline front sway bar. Has an alloy half cage that needs replacing for circuit racing and harnesses that have almost expired, they may still be ok for hillclimbs ect.

    great to here from another keen golfer.

    Sweet sounds good... I think you should be alright with your harness and cage... What sort of diff are you running because the quafe (i think thats how you spell it) i have is awsome... Getting the power down off the line is crutal...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Yarra Junction, Melbourne.
    Thread Starter
    Stock diff for now, will put a poor man's posi' in to start with - - later down the track as funds permit I would like to put in a Peloquin diff.

    '03 LT35
    '89 Syncro Kombi

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Users Country Flag

    So there wasn't "another" mk1 was there? I thought you were competing?

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