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Thread: CAMS is up the creek

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC

    CAMS is up the creek

    Im not sure if many people have been following the current CAMS situation but motorsport in Vic may come to a bit of a stand still.

    Many people high up in the Victorian motorsport scene and associated clubs attended probably one of the most embarrasing meetings of their lives.

    Notes from David Kelly from CAMS meeting last nigt.
    Apologies to David for not asking permission, but I thought this important.

    In late October the Victorian Sport & Club Development Council (what we most know as State Council) met and the following two resolutions were formally passed

    Originally Posted by Vic S&CDC Resolution 1 - Item 8.12
    "That the Victorian Sport & Club Development Council requests formal advice from CAMS‚ legal advisers on what process is available by which the Sport & Club Development Council can refer to the Australian Sports Commission its concerns about particular actions by the Board including (but not limited to) the intention to suppress publication of records of Board meetings"

    Moved Les Noonan, Seconded Peter Kerr.

    For 16
    Against 1
    Abstentions 2
    Originally Posted by Vic S&CDC Resolution 2 - Item 9.07
    "That the Victorian Sport & Club Development Council calls for a total spill of the entire CAMS Board due to their collective inability to adequately engage their clientele, failure to adequately manage the brief of the sport, or to understand the industry in such a way as to advance motor sport"

    Moved Bruce Robertson, Seconded Graeme Steinfort

    For 11
    Against 6
    Abstentions 2
    The above 2 resolutions of the Vic S&CDC were formally advised to the CAMS hierarchy as well as each of the other State Sport & Club Development Councils.

    The Chair of the Victorian Sports & Club Development Council, Mr David Bellenger sought that an extraordinary meeting of the Victorian S&CDC be held, and this is what occurred last night (30 November 2009).

    In attendance at the meeting as invited guests were CAMS President, Mr Andrew Papadopoulos and CAMS Chief Executive Officer, Mr Graham Fountain.

    The meeting was Chaired by David Bellenger and was held at the MG Club clubrooms in Nunawading.

    n attendance were approximately 120 or so representatives of CAMS member clubs, the Sports & Club Development Council, Victorian State Executive, State Advisory Panels and CAMS members.

    Approximately 50 voting clubs of CAMS in Victoria were formally represented.

    The meeting commenced at 20:03hrs with a very informative summary and introduction from Mr Bellenger.

    The meeting was very well structured with a clear meeting agenda and speakers for each of the topics nominated and prepared.

    The first speaker was Mr Bruce Robertson, President of the Benalla Auto Club and also a member of the (CAMS) Australian Motor Racing Commission (although not speaking as a representative of the AMRC at this meeting).

    Mr Robertson spoke to the formal resolution re seeking the spill of the Board.

    It was put to the meeting that despite the protestations of the Board that they should fix the problems themselves, it was felt this was impossible as "they" are the problem.

    Mr Robertson outlined a long list of failures by the Board in terms of failure in its role of oversight and governance, with a particular trend that clearly exhibited failure to manage CAMS "own" clientele, a failure to manage their brief as those responsible for CAMS and its governance and a failure to manage the sport in any reasonable or sustainable way itself.

    The meeting was also advised of the significant bleeding of motor sport activities from CAMS to other providers and that there was no apparent plan whatsoever from CAMS to try and manage this nor address the issues why the clubs and organisers of so many events were seeking to run under alternate providers.

    The meeting was also advised of the rather curious reaction of the Chair of the NSW Sport & Club Development Council (Neil Turner) whereby it was reported that he responded that they had no such issues in NSW.

    This reported response from Mr Turner was given context when the meeting was advised that at least 40% of motor racing in NSW in the last year has been conducted outside of CAMS.

    Mr Robertsons address was met with wide applause.

    The next speaker was Mr Graeme Steinfort (President of the Austin Seven Club)

    Mr Steinfort spoke to the transparency of the Board (or lack thereof) and in particular in relation to the availability of Board Minutes.

    It was reported to the meeting that the Board had in the last year made a decision to stop providing meeting minutes of any sort to State S&CDC's and it was understood that the Board had sought and received legal advice as to how to avoid providing information to State S&CDC's and others.

    Mr Steinfort spoke well and passionately about the need for appropriate transparency by the Board in this, a members confederation.

    Mr Steinforts presentation was also met with wide applause.

    The next speaker was Dr Norm Gowers of the Mini Club (and also Member of the State Executive and Chair of the Victorian Hill Climb Panel)

    Dr Gowers spoke on the issue of Board structure and in particular appointed directors (as opposed to elected directors).

    Dr Gowers outlined how the model as adopted by CAMS was now NOT recommended by the Australian Sports Commission and that the recommendation now is for the Board to gain any advice on gaps it perceives in the skill set of its elected Directors ought be filled by consultant (non-voting) appointments in order that the sport could be appropriately managed and responsibility taken for by those "of the sport".

    Dr Gowers sought for a moratorium to be placed on the further appointment of appointed directors until such time as the CAMS Constitution can be reviewed and decided upon by the membership such that the better governance needs of the sport can be reflected through the Constitution.

    I (David Kelly) also spoke to this item whereupon it was pointed out to the meeting that there were significant problems in the way the CAMS Constitution was structured in relation to appointed Directors. This being that because for the purposes of CAMS as a Public Not For Profit Company and its shareholders for the purposes of meeting at an Annual general Meeting, the ONLY members who get such vote are the Category E Members (who are in fact the Directors themselves), that CAMS do not have effective shareholder representation as well as a total inability to terminate the appointment of appointed directors should that be desired due to the requirements of s.203E of the Corporations Act (which forbids Directors from removing another Director).

    The meeting met Dr Gowers well thought out and spoken presentation and my additional material and advice with wide acclamation.

    The next speaker was Mr Simon Miller of Rover Scout Motor Sport (and member of the Vic State Executive0

    Mr Miller who is a Chartered Accountant spoke to the CAMS Financial position.

    Mr Miller, aided with an excellent series of illustrative slides, showed the meeting the poorly trending financial performance of CAMS over the past five or so years.

    Of particular significance was the performance from 2006 onwards whereby there have been drastic reductions in trading surpluses year on year to the point whereby CAMS traded at a deficit in 2008 and it is strongly suggested (though not confirmed) that CAMS has forecast for an approximate AUD600K deficit in 2009.

    Mr Miller showed how despite falling revenues year on year as well as the trend of poorer year end outcomes, that expenditure, and in particular staff costs were trending upwards.

    It was suggested to the meeting that there are no effective measures for State S&CDC's to measure Board performance and output as there is so little information provided (particularly financial information). Mr Miller suggested that the information we do have identifies significant mismanagement by CAMS senior management and poor corporate governance by the Board in either addressing the issues CAMS is facing nor appropriately managing the finances of CAMS.
    Last edited by Water Boy; 02-12-2009 at 04:31 PM.

  2. #2
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    Part 2:

    Mr Millers excellent presentation and talk was met with wide applause.

    The next speaker was Mr Darryn Snooks (President; Australian Classic Rally Association, Chair Victorian Rally Advisory Panel, Member Vic State Executive and Member of ARCom (though not representing ARCom at this meeting)

    Mr Snooks spoke on delegated authority and respect of Commissions.

    Mr Snooks rhetorically asked the question about what respect the Board had for the knowledge, skills and advice of its Commissions and the work they do in putting recommendations forward for the various categories they represent and advise on?

    In particular the example was given of the submission made to allow a couple of New Zealand domiciled BDA Escorts, competing on Motor Sport NZ Log Books, to compete in the 2010 ARC despite these cars not technically meeting the strict roll cage requirements in Australia. In this example, despite many precedents and a strong supported position being put forward, the Board vetoed the request of ARCom for such an initiative.

    Many examples were provided whereby in lots of motor sport categories within CAMS vehicles are allowed to compete with less than the current technical specifications (including in fact in rallying), however the Board chose to ignore the recommendations of ARCom to allow this.

    Mr Snooks gave an excellent talk on how this initiative was part of trying to reinvigorate the ARc through bringing some of the sound and excitement back to rallying that was the drawcard of rallying in its heyday.

    Mr Snooks very well measured and presented talk was also met with wide applause.

    The next speaker was Mr Jim Rearck (President of the Maserati Club and Chair of the Speed Events Panel and Member of Victorian State Executive)

    Mr Rearck spoke on strategic planning and what, if anything, was CAMS plan for the future?

    Mr Reark (assisted by Dr Gowers) spoke to the apparent lack of any current plan and queried how, in the absence of any plan, could CAMS move forward for the benefits of its members nor address the challenges that CAMS is now facing?

    It was suggested that there was a total mismanagement by the Board in terms of meeting its goverance responsibilities.

    Mr Rearck & Dr Gowers pointed out that the Australian Sports Commission is very clear on how national sporting organisations ought have appropriate strategic plans so as to reflect and meet the interests and aspirations of its MEMBERS.

    The meeting was advised that the only document in circulation was over 5 years old, is now well out of date, and reported information from the CAMS website that a new plan is underway, has not been met through any interaction with its membership nor reports on progress.

    A question from the floor was received as to whether the CAMS summit (held in Torquay in September 2009) discussed or addressed issues and ideas towards a new strategic plan.

    Dr Gowers responded that despite his election as an Alternate Director and senior Member of the CAMS State Executive etc that he was not invited to attend the Summit, so he was unable to comment.

    Others present, who did attend the Summit (Mr Robertson), advised that a potential forward strategic plan or items for within such a plan were NOT discussed or on the agenda at the Summit.

    Mr Robertson, who attended the Summit as a Commissioner of the AMRC advised the meeting that there was little or no evidence of a forward vision for CAMS.

    The meeting showed their support for the presentation by Mr Reark and Dr Gowers with enthusiastic applause.

    The next speaker was Mr Mike Herlihy (President of the MG Club)

    Mr Herlihy spoke to the CAMS website and IT issues for CAMS.

    Mr Herlihy began by asking the meeting to provide by a show of hands who was "happy with the new CAMS website"? Not one hand went up.

    Mr Herlihy provided background as to his extensive professional experience in IT and specifically website development and design.

    Mr Herlihy gave an excellent presentation on how it was quite clear that the developers of the new CAMS website had little or no understanding of either the demographic of CAMS nor who the core users of the website would be.

    The meeting was advised the problems were obvious and existent, however there was no apparent restorative action being taken to try and address the significant issues as present.

    The meeting was advised that many many complaints were being made to CAMS and that the unresolved situation was massively undermining the confidence of all who rely upon the website for information in our sport, and in turn undermining the confidence in the administration of CAMS.

    Mr Herlihys well considered and delivered presentation was, like all before him, met with universal applause.

    The above presentations concluded about 21:10hrs, and the meeting Chair, David Bellenger, invited Mr Papadopoulos to respond on behalf of the CAMS Board.

    Mr Papadopoulos advised the meeting that he and the Board are listening and are taking the concerns of this Sport & Club Development Council seriously.

    In particular, Mr Papadopoulos advised that the Board are reconsidering the issue concerning minutes, and that he expected the situation to revert to what it formerly was and for minutes to be distributed to State S&CDC's etc. This of course being subject to decision by the Board.

    The meeting was advised that appointed Director, Mr Bob Glindemann has advised that when his term concludes in December 2009 that he is NOT seeking reappointment.

    Mr Papadopoulos advised that the Board consciously decided to operate in 2008 with a deficit budget in "the interests of members".

    With regard to the NZ rally cars issue, Mr Papadopoulos advised that this was a risk management decision by he and the Board due to fears of prosecution and/or the need to appear before a Coroner.

    The Presidents position on this was challenged by David Kelly (yes, that's me!) in terms that on the basis of having done appropriate risk assessments (which had been done by Mr Snooks and ARCom) that the personal risk for Directors (or indeed others) was infinitesimally small.. but that more importantly, if he as President or other Board Members were afraid of the risk as Directors of an organisation involved in inherently "dangerous" activities, then they should stand down in favour of those who were happy to have such responsibility.

    This particular challenge was met with wide applause by those assembled at the meeting.

    Mr Papadopoulos response to all the presentations was quite short, and the meeting went into open forum at approximately 21:20hrs.

    The open forum had a range of speakers from clubs here in Victoria, all of whom spoke reasonably and respectfully in support of the presentations as given earlier in the meeting.

    One interesting statistic that was fleshed out in this part of the meeting was a report from an independent web traffic measuring body which showed that since CAMS launched its new website, that traffic was down a staggering 74% on previous levels.

    Also in the open forum part of the meeting, a number of management decisions were queried and the response of Mr Fountain was sought. Mr Fountain did respond in part to most queries raised, however his responses were in some ways evasive and unsatisfactory (certainly in my eyes and as suggested by a number of people I spoke to after the meeting). There were a number of areas where in fact the responses given were to our understanding false.

    The open forum part of the meeting continued until approximately 22:00hrs whereupon Mr Robertson was called to provide a summation of the meeting and the issues before it and for CAMS.

    Mr Robertson thanked the President for his attendance.

    Mr Robertson opined that if CAMS was ANY other Company, particularly any other public company, and based on the extremely poor performance, transparency and governance as illustrated by the Board, that the shareholders would have long ago caused a spill and elected a new Board that was ready to appropriately govern.

    The complete lack of accountability nor availability of ANY Key Performance or other Indicators was identified as a significant flaw in how the members of CAMS could appropriately measure the Boards performance (or lack thereof).

    Mr Robertson summarised that in the view of the clubs and its members here in Victoria, the performance of CAMS and its Board was simply not acceptable. It was suggested that Board MUST change in order that the challenges for CAMS can be met with fresh eyes.

    It was identified that nearly all at the meeting were either club delegates or senior personnel (such as Presidents) from CAMS Member clubs here in Victoria.

    Mr Robertson opined that both the turnout to this meeting and the extremely strong show of unanimity of opinion at this meeting illustrated that the resolutions as passed by the Victorian S&CDC were in NO way frivolous, but instead a meaningful call for change and new people to lead and govern CAMS in the interests of its members.

  3. #3
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    It was illustrated to the meeting that the culture of CAMS in a governance and leadership sense had descended into one whereby almost no innovation or independent thought was being allowed through the Board, instead the almost stock response was to tow the line to whatever the FIA said. It was highlighted that other national motor sport bodies around the world do not do this in all respects, yet we here in Australia seem not prepared to show any leadership in terms of independence of thought for what WE here in Australia need, so as to meet our specific needs.

    Mr Robertson pleaded on behalf of all CAMS Members in Victoria that the Board of CAMS ignores the protestations and calls for action (and a spill) at their peril.

    The Board MUST let us, the Members, Clubs, Panels, State Council (S&CDC's) and State Execs etc contribute and be listened seriously and respectfully to.

    Mr Robertson suggested that, WE, the assembled members need for the Confederation to survive, however to survive, CHANGE MUST HAPPEN.

    This summation and passionate pleas by Mr Robertson was met with very wide applause by those present.

    In final response, the President advised that he has taken notes of what was covered in this meeting and that he personally takes what has been said very seriously. Mr Papadopoulos told the meeting that he is prepared to attend (subject to no clash with his family holiday in February 2010) the next 2 meetings of the Victorian Sports & Club Development Council so that he can report on actions taken to address the concerns as raised. The President also advised that he was happy to be accountable for his and the Boards actions in terms of what is and isn't done to address the concerns as raised by Victoria.

    Dr Gowers proposed that the resolutions as passed at the last Vic S&CDC meeting in October be reaffirmed by this meeting. The resolution to reaffirm was seconded by Mr Barry Edwards (Alfa Romeo Club).

    This resolution was passed unanimously by ALL voting clubs present (approximately 50 clubs by my count). There were no abstentions and no votes against the resolution.

    Mr Bellenger closed the meeting at 22:23hrs and thanked all for attending and the extremely positive approach and contribution by all who attended. The MG Club were thanked for the use of their rooms and Mr Bellenger gave his word that he and the Victorian Executive and Sports & Club Development Council would continue to work hard and give of their best for this, our sport.

    Meeting ends.

    Please again note these are my notes and in no way are intended to be minutes of the meeting. If anyone who was present at the meeting has issue with the way my notes reflect what occurred at the meeting, please contact me via PM or via email at dkelly1962 at gmail dot com and I will happily discuss and amend if necessary.
    Fair to say there are some people who are not happy.

    Rumors are CAMS lost $600,000 to piss-ups and other unknown junk this year.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Bentleigh East Victoria
    Hi all ... I think it is fair to say that some people are not happy in fact that could be an understatement. ...... cheers..... Geoff

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Orange NSW
    About time the **** hit the fan really.

    APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Perth, WA
    That was a bit of a case of TLR but it does indeed sound like CAMS has some major issues to deal with.
    1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Windsor, NSW

    An apsolute disgrace. I like how it has been mentioned and agreed upon that IF cams were in fact a public company, the Board of Directors would have been dissolved long before these issues have culminated in this 'vote of no confidence' and mutiny.

    And for a not for profit organisation to run into the red for two years running and have no alarm bells ringing!!!!! WTF, I believe that whoever has let this happen, mustn't have any business skills whatsoever, and it must be asked, HOW did this get so bad, and HOW can the people responsible be held accountable?

    I can only hope that this serves as a wake-up call for motorsport in Australia, and to make sure that the paying licence holders and financial members get the representation and governance they are paying for.


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