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Thread: 24 hours of LeMons!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Users Country Flag

    Lemons Update:

    Having just returned from the Collie WA experience... 24 Hours of LeMons was an absolute blast with most drivers determined to do the event again next year and others promising to come with 2 x cars and two teams!

    The Lemons event is now run at Collie WA, Wakefield NSW, Winton Vic, and Queensland Racing Qld and is about to go to New Zealand in a months time. Several cars including an old Peugeot (Rusty Pug) & Mercedes (Merconroids) have done all three first events to finish in the top 3 each time from memory. Some of the older small to medium size do particularly well in this event and you only have to look at the race results in the US to get an idea on how the various contenders are likely to fair. Whilst large sedans are fun to race in... they are not normally the main contenders in this event. You only have to look at the new LeMons Australia site to get an idea on how much fun this event is...... and it is growing rapidly. Check 24 hours of Lemons Australia – Endurance car racing – 24 Hours of LeMons – Australia for all the latest reviewed driver entry prices etc for 2016! NZ & Wakefield (If you go by any of the hype on Facebook, Twitter & the race tracks themselves) will both be huge!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sydney, NSW
    Looks hilarious

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    United States
    Users Country Flag

    Not interested.

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