On behalf of Club VW Sydney I would like to extend to you and your fellow club members an invitation to attend our 7th Annual Supersprint in conjunction with the VW Nationals car show. This year sees a change of venue as we have moved to Sydney Motorport Park at Eastern Creek where we will be utilising the Amaroo (south) circuit. The event will be held on Saturday 23rd May 2015.
The event will be held under a CAMS event permit and follow the CAMS NSW guidelines for supersprints. For pre-entries received on or before May 16th 2015 the entry fee will be $170 for males and $85 for females. Entries received after this date will incur $30 late fee and be accepted subject to organisers discretion. Please accept our invitation to attend this event and could you kindly pass on the Supplementary Regs and Entry Forms to anyone who may wish to attend.
See website for further info and online payments. Note that even if you pay online you will still need to send me your entry form by email or to my mailbox. (not the clubvw mailbox). 2015 Supersprint - Club VeeDub
In closing could I also request that if any of your members who may wish to help out on the day and are CAMS qualified in the roles of flag marshals or scrutineer we would greatly appreciate any help that may be offered.
Chris Fraser
event secretary