im thinking something like this
"Master table"
list 5 best overall times
AWD table dsg/manual
fwd dsg/manual
Will work on this over the weekend, just want to make it look nicer than it is atm![]()
It's easier in the DSG no question and in a manual you may only get everything right 1 out of 15 times or so but really the differences is in a couple of tenths if that. The mph will be very similar the launch will be similar but very very hard to get right.
The purists might find separating the manuals from the DSGs as a sign that the manuals are technically inferior( where's Goran )
Maybe have the times in three or more tables then. The overall fastest cars what ever the model/trans/mods and then the others divided as above under neath that , that way every one is happy and you can still obtain an easy reference. Harder to maintain though
From my understanding the manual transmissions get more power out to the wheels but have a 'slower' shifting time than the DSG's so at the end of the 400m it should be relatively the same.
RE: AWD vs FWD, assuming the AWD would have better 60ft time but at the end of the quarter it should be pretty even in mph (again not a major difference in ET?)
Edit: Didn't see another page of posts, whoops![]()
MKV GTI Pirelli
FWD trap speeds can sometimes be a little artificially high if the launch was particularly bad. (lots of wheelspin)
So a bad launch gives you more power and hence a higher trap speed....