12.184 @ 117.48mph, 2.037 60', MK6 GTI 6MT, GIAC Stage 3 (running in), Full interior, Hoosier Radials 18psi, 98ronW/M Sammy125TDI
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12.184 @ 117.48mph, 2.037 60', MK6 GTI 6MT, GIAC Stage 3 (running in), Full interior, Hoosier Radials 18psi, 98ronW/M Sammy125TDI
nice time mate, and times updated.
mk5 Jetta, stock standard, Fully optioned (leather, sunroof etc), DSG, full street weight and 2/3 tank of fuel
14.90 @93.80mph (150.97kph)
2.349 60ft
Have time slip but it won't post for some reason
You'll need to upload the image, then add the link to the uploaded image: http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...ges-45153.html
here we go:
thanks mate but got car details etc? in the format on the first page please.
14.90 @93.80mph (150.97kph), 2.349, MK5 Jetta, Stock, fully optioned weight, standard tyres, 70URA
Damn that APR car is fast now!! Great run :banana:
I dont think that my R can go as fast as this car anymore, how much hardware changes are you guys running? Any changes in head, camshafts also is there a complet spec somewhere to study? Is this car "factory owned" or a private owned non sponsord car as mine (execpt some better price on some stuff)
My R just whet 2 testruns in 2012 due to technical issues with gearbox/clutch problems I ran 12,12-189kmh 1,97 60f,
more to come 2013 i hope. Trying with new clutch, GIAC dsg flash custom made , and just installed haldex mod to get more power to rear wheels and some more..
it ran 100-200 8,15 sec at the best, 0-100 in 3,30 on racefile + meth. 98ron fuel no more race gas for me this year its pump gas for me.
im hoping for low 11 sec but a 10 sec run isnt possible for me i think.
Weight 1620kg with fuel and driver
Keep on tuning Erik R driver sweden.
details here - http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...eek-76515.html
Hey Erik, It's one of our R&D cars, here's an article for you, although its progressed even further now:
APR Motor Hot Tuner Challenge 2012