Sadly, 1/4 mile times on different tracks, different conditions, different drivers, different transmissions
Many variables
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Sadly, 1/4 mile times on different tracks, different conditions, different drivers, different transmissions
Many variables
And I just realised why the comment from candy man.... You haven't even posted a time
Steve the owner of the R that we had with 197 kw ATW with the first basic R1 file on it. took me ages to wind the power down a bit too.
The MPH figure at the end of the quarter is the true power indicator it will never vary by much no matter how badly you launch the car and maybe given its only 103.x I might be being a little harsh. I'm going to edit the previous post a bit, he got a great launch too.
Oh, Steve :D
You of all people know its not just about a power number telling the story if a tune might cause issues or not
Helluva lot more complicated but you know that as do most people
Despite what some may say about Internet tunes, some suppliers have some great skills and their coding techniques and capability is not necessarily used by everyone
I've seen some leaned out, overboosted results from various tuners on here and the other forum. Let's hope those tunes don't come back to bite the owners when summer hits and track use goes up ;)
I'm an absolute noob on this stuff other than previous tuned cars I've owned and reading I've done plus talking with tuners but you have the experience and real life knowledge so I'll go by what you say :)
Guys I am thinking of seperating this thread into dsg and manual any other suggestions of seperations? We can't have too many as you will end up with only one or 2 cars in each section but I do feel that is a fair seperation.
Go for it mate! Maybe have a top 5 best times regardless of transmission at top, then under that rank all the others separated into transmission.
I think its best to leave it how it is actually because in an ideal world the transmission makes only a slight difference if the driver is experienced. The MPH will be the same too or within a mph nothing more. The same thing could apply ADW/FWD big turbo and DSG with altered maps. The AWD FWD separation is fair though as traction plays a major part in the times -note not mph but times.
Thats my 2c but if everyone is keen to separate that's cool too
Works well as is :)
Easy enough to copy and paste into Excel for anally retentive types like me
Nice work
There are some very experienced drivers in the top 10 who drive both manual & DSG for example Guy Harding. Yet there is only 1 manual car in that lot and it's 6th on the ladder.
I'm sorry but I don't agree there is only a "slight" difference when in most quarter runs there is 3 manual gear changes to navigate, and when we are talking times separated by only tenths of a second the advantage of DSG is rather "large" imo not to mention the help you get with launch.
I do however wholehearted agree about the separation due to AWD v's FWD :eek: