I've recently returned from a homeland trip to Israel and I thought I would show you all some of the SEAT + VW photos I took while I was there.
Firstly Israel seems to be a very different market to Australia, there is a real eclectic collection of cars on the roads, unlike here where the commodore and falcon rule and the others struggle along. having said that there seems to be a lot of VW and subsidiaries around. pretty much every taxi is either a toledo, cordoba, or an octavia. there are SO many Skoda's! some boxy old ugly things, and lots of the new ones like we're getting here. there are a lot of cars that are in the genre of the roomster, van like things with a bonnet - eg the Renault kangoo and Citroen have a very popular model too, these get used by tradies as well as just roomy cars...
Having moved to Oz 15 years ago the only SEATs I remember when I was growing up looked like this:
yep, that is 1987 1.2L SEAT Malaga, pre VW takeover. the following two pics are the Ibiza of the same era, this one looks like a sporty version. there are a remarkably large number of these around...