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Thread: New Seat Ibiza GTI Cupra Sport member

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Hobart, Tasmania
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    New Seat Ibiza GTI Cupra Sport member

    G'day all.

    I've owned a '98 SEAT Ibiza GTI Cupra Sport 16v since about 2003. It arrived with about 26000km on the clock and now has just under 70000km on it. However, its not all been smooth sailing. The paint is fading/peeling from sitting in the sun for the last 15 years and its gained a few scrapes from careless drivers (it lives on a narrow street).

    A while ago there were three of us in my workplace that owned ibizas (including another GTI) but now I'm the sole member of our little club.

    Last night I got home to find a note under my wiper from Jason, expressing an interest if I ever sell it, or just wanting to have a chat sometime because he has the same model. Unfortunately Jason's fairly lengthy note omitted one crucial piece of information - his phone number.

    There aren't may passionate SEAT owners in Hobart, I'll just google "SEAT Ibiza Hobart", which led me here.

    I reckon I've found Jason and his red devil here. @jason0?

    I've looked through a few threads, including one that claimed just 11 16v Cupra Sports registered in Australian in 2004. If that's true, two in Hobart is well above our population share.

    So, after introducing myself, there's one thing that I'd like to know - does anyone else have issues with their door locks breaking? I've had to replace the paddles in mine quite a few times. OEM parts are no longer available, which means getting cheap after market replacements off eBay. They just don't last. Does anyone know where to get good paddle replacement kits?

    If found a photo from when she was young a beautiful...
    New Seat Ibiza GTI Cupra Sport member-seat-gti2-jpg-jpg
    Last edited by Tritto; 15-10-2019 at 01:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Lengthy ownership!


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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hobart, Tasmania
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaydEn View Post
    Lengthy ownership!


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    Thanks mate. It's a pretty reliable car and doesn't do many ks. A joy to drive, as many of you know.

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  4. #4
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    I've got a couple of Ibiza's for spare parts if you're after original bits.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hahahahaha only I would leave such a lengthy weatherproof note with no phone number. My number is now enclosed in sandwich bag on your windscreen

    I was wondering how such a quality introduction and fellow bitza owner reaching out was left without a reply even a hello text.

    Anyways here I am can’t workout how to post photo from my phone if I could it would be a photo of our cars together I did see your car in north Hobart while I was working a couple of times decided to search the. Mountains to psychically sniff it out was so lucky found it in five min.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Here's a pix of Jason's car. Such a common colour red.

    New Seat Ibiza GTI Cupra Sport member-jasons-jpg

    Even one of my spare parts cars is red.

    New Seat Ibiza GTI Cupra Sport member-20171227_120716-jpg
    Last edited by sports racer; 24-11-2019 at 06:34 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Cheers Paul
    I would love a close up photo of your strut top mounts so I know what to order changing from coilovers to struts and springs I have no idea what parts to order and need them all..bump stops covers bearing top plates I need them all..
    I’m a little confused it seems there’s two different spring widths for mk3 golf for me to order the plates. Perhaps I should have waited till after Christmas and invested in good quality coilovers.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I would love a new mint roof channel seals but shipping them would be a nightmare

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Melbourne VIC
    I had issues with door lock pins. Shares the same door handles as a 2 door polo 6n!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Hobart, Tasmania
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    Quote Originally Posted by Water Boy View Post
    I had issues with door lock pins. Shares the same door handles as a 2 door polo 6n!
    Thanks Water Boy. I'll look into that.
    I fear the central locking servos(?) may be on the way out too. One door is resistant to turning the key in the lock and the other moves freely and doesn't release the catch. I really have to get inside those doors and see what is going on. My door locks have been a problem for years and it's really bugging me.

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