And I was just going to sugest that.Oh well - handy one for the archives.
Evening all, just got in from getting the GTI going again. I was minding my own driving home and it just stopped and I coasted to the side of the road.
Had a quick look and had sparks but of course it was raining hard and I just called my wife to come and get me, rather than get soaked.
After some tea and a read of the manuals, I had already decided it was fuel related as it ran for a second or two before stalling.
I pulled the fuel pump relay and jumped it with a wire, the engine ran perfectly. I took the lid off the relay but there wasn't much to see in there. Nothing was burnt or visibly broken. I cleaned the blades as they looked a bit oxidised and refitted it.
The engine started and ran well. So I drove home.
OK, so not happy with dropping me in it a mile from home the other night. The Ibiza decided to overheat and blow it's coolant out on the way home.
Not all bad cos I have the A3 to use if needed.
Anyway, I let it stand a couple of minutes and top the cap off the tank to top it up. The geyser made me jump and the cap vanished off the face of the earth.
I hunted high and low and the only conclusion I can draw is that it went down the gutter and into the storm drain.
Oh yeah, it was pissing down at the time.
I noticed straight away the fan wasn't running, so suspected an electrical problem.
I limped it through the back streets topped up with fresh rain water, to get to German Auto. Praying to get there before 6. I made it just and bought a new cap and topped up again.
I have just spent an hour troubleshooting, using my Corrado manual as that was the closest diagram I could find.
The final fault was down to the Aircon relay, position 1 in the fuse box. I reckon there was a couple of bad solder joints inside, which I remade with my soldering iron.
The aircon brings on the fans slowly now and hopefully, the rad fan switch is doing it's job.
In an attempt to get back in the cars good books, I am going to do an oil change too.
Another fuel pump failure. Looks like my diagnosis may have been off by a centimetre or 2. The fuse for the fuel pump was intermittent and when you wobbled it, it was sparking a bit.
A new fuse has been fitted and it now runs again.
Sounds like you are loving your SEAT wiring atm mate![]()
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