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Thread: Ibiza 1.4 Crankshaft pulley removal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
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    Ibiza 1.4 Crankshaft pulley removal

    Hi All,
    I've got a '94 Ibiza 1.4. (ABD engine)
    I'm in the (slow) process of replacing the timing belt and water pump and I've got to the point where I need to get the auxiliary belt pulley off the end of the crankshaft, but I'm having a bit of trouble. After figuring out that the crankshaft turns clockwise (looking from the timing belt end towards the transmission end), I figured that it would make sense to have a left hand thread on the bolt, but I've had no success in budging it. Is this bolt left handed or right handed?

    Also, It seems to be a 12 sided bolt that holds the pulley onto the crankshaft. Not having come across one of these before, does that sound like the right thing to be undoing? My workshop manual just says "remove the crankshaft pulley".

    Any advice would be much appreciated.


  2. #2
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    Is there not 4 cap headed bolts around the crank pully bolt? I haven't worked on a 1400 in many years so can't remember. If you undo the 4 bolts the pully comes off on it's own and the cover then comes off easy.

    The bigger VW motors are like this, I don't see why the little ones would be different.

    The big bolt is likely to be a stretch bolt, so if you do remove it, it should be replaced. It is a conventional thread and will be done up TIGHT.
    You will need at least a 2 foot bar to shift it. In the past the only ones I have been able to remove, have comes loose on their own first. They are rock solid.


  3. #3
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    You're entirely correct. There are 4 smaller bolts with a 6 mm hex head. I should've looked more closely before I started trying to undo things.
    My next question is, will a long handled alan wrench be enough to undo them? They seem pretty tight.

  4. #4
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    Pulley is off

    The bolts were tight as, and made a cracking sound when they came loose, but the alan key was enough to undo them.

  5. #5
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    Afraid I use a cordless impact gun and sockets, so no real idea how tight they are. They always come out easy as long as the heads are cleaned out first.

    The pulley sometimes gets rusted on but they come free with a good knocking with a hammer.



  6. #6
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    I've finished the timing belt and water pump, and I also replaced the camshaft and crankshaft oil seals while I was at it, which meant that I had to take the crankshaft timing belt sprocket off after all. You were right about the crankshaft bolt being on TIGHT. My Haynes manual says to tighten it to 90 NM, then tighten it a further 120 degrees. That's pretty tight.
    Fortunately it wasn't a stretch bolt, so I didn't need to replace it.

    In the process of doing all this, I also discovered that my breather hose is broken, and seems to be the source of a lot of the oil around the engine. But I'll start another thread about that.


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