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Thread: Hoontime's my first car, advice please. a road to paradise

  1. #51
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buller_Scott View Post
    poor hoontime...

    not even given 24hrs to pay, before the demands for cash cash cash are made, and then with the abuse (''call me, ****head'').

    this would be seen as an utter douche effort if the seller was some random nobody. however, because it's a "popular, cool, respected" member of the "scene", people give them a wide berth, saying how funny and awesome it is....

    just an observation...
    just saying if you've seen all of "hoontime"'s threads and posts, you would have to agree the kid must be around about 12 years old, prepubescent or just generally 'special' as his lack of english skills and mere ignorance have been going on, in my opinion, for far too long and am surprised this didn't happen sooner. Don't feel sorry for him at all and he has been wasting everyones time ages now...

  2. #52
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    what the hell. I'm gone for 4 days and I miss all this.

    I'm glad that hoontime has finally been banned. We've all been young and silly and naive (or just plain silly in some cases) at some stages but this guy really couldn't take a hint.

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  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    what the hell. I'm gone for 4 days and I miss all this.

    I'm glad that hoontime has finally been banned. We've all been young and silly and naive (or just plain silly in some cases) at some stages but this guy really couldn't take a hint.
    I sure as hell hope we haven't all been victims of the worlds best forum troll.

  4. #54
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    fair enough. i realise that in terms of the ebay (or whatever) transaction, loon has every right to expect payment as i doubt a condition of the sale would be "sold to me, pending my ability to find a way to get it here, but if not, then i shouldnt have to pay" - that would just be utter nonsense.

    oh well. onwards and upwards....

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wouldnt surprise me at all if "hoontime" was just someone trolling the forum, who we've all given the attention they were seeking. Real person or not though, I've found it all quite entertaining

    Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bflat View Post
    I sure as hell hope we haven't all been victims of the worlds best forum troll.
    Quote Originally Posted by sortofbigbj View Post
    Wouldnt surprise me at all if "hoontime" was just someone trolling the forum, who we've all given the attention they were seeking. Real person or not though, I've found it all quite entertaining

    Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk
    lmfao i hope not!!! if they were a troll, it's a bit of a case of facepalm, isnt it?

    i mean, as much as i love watercooled, it isnt really any sort of vortex, or tdiclub, or jdmst or anything like that....

    it'd be like trying to pull off a practical joke in the aussie smart car forums... not exactly the biggest audience.

  7. #57
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    Sep 2009
    Well maybe they may have realised that vww isnt the sort of forum where this happens much, and so the members arent likely to realise they're being trolled, and took advantage of it. The name hoontime alone sounds troll like to me on a volkswagen forum where the majority of members are quite anti hooning, doing "sensible" things in there "sensible" cars (or atleast taking it to the track and not doing " fulley sik" burnouts down main roads) etc.

    I'm probably just reading too far into it though, and it really is some slow 16 year old. Who knows. Probably only a matter of days/weeks before theyre back again (pretty sure this is this persons second account or something on here?)
    Last edited by Ben J; 10-04-2012 at 08:13 PM.

  8. #58
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    If they were trolling then they went to a lot of effort as they trolled Gumtree as well.

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  9. #59
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    And with that, there is nothing else that can be gained from discussing this further.

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