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Thread: Fuel tank filling?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    Fuel tank filling?

    All the reports say the fuel tank in the Cupra has a capacity of 45 litres but one time I put in 51 litres. Another time I did 600 ks but only managed to get 35 litres in and that's with the fuel tank so full it was starting to spill out.

    What going on here?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Dodgy pumps by the look of it
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  3. #3
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    Costco pumps.

    Been using them 3 times a week for over a year and never had any issues with any other car.

  4. #4
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    Figured it out.

    The next tank of petrol only took me 430 ks so there must have been an air bubble, that's why it only took 35 litres.

    Fuel economy seems to be around 7.4 litres per 100 k's with best being 7.1

  5. #5
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    A few times when putting petrol in I can't completely fill up the fuel tank. Sometimes if I wait a minute there is a sound like someone sighing and then I can squeeze in an extra 10 litres. Yesterday no matter how long I waited it only took 35 litres and I know the tank was almost empty and should have taken 45 litres. Rocking the car didn't help either but that's because the suspension is pretty stiff and it doesn't move much.

    A full tank is good for just over 600 ks. When it doesn't fill up properly it gets 450 ks and I'm back at the servo early.

    Is there an easy fix to getting the trapped air out of the tank?

  6. #6
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    If you look inside the filler pipe you should see a black plastic button on the right hand side. If you fill right to the top and then press that button it seems to vent the tank. You will hear the air going in. I can usually get another litre or so in after "burping it" and I can sometimes do this 3 times or more. My Polo GTI is the same. I have also found that if the driveway of the service station slopes towards the filling side you often have that short filling problem. If the driveway falls the other way, ie the passenger side of the car is lower than the drivers side I don't have any problems with the short fill.
    2001 Bora 4 Motion Sport now used by number two son
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  7. #7
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    Thanks for that. I really need to look at modifying the tank so it takes more petrol. Filling up every 3 days is annoying especially when the MK2 Golf would go 4 days between fills with it's 55 litre tank.

  8. #8
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    Managed to squeeze in 53 litres yesterday which isn't bad for a 45 litre petrol tank.

    Couldn't find any button so filled the tank slowly.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    happened to me and Caltex send me $50 voucher as the calibration of the pump@ servo was out!!!
    german - english translations esp vw documents!!

    Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,

  10. #10
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    Wish that was the case but whenever it takes only 35 litres I only get around 450 k's out of the next tank so I know there's still air trapped in the tank.

    On a positive note the central locking started working the other day. I was going to take a look at it this weekend but now I don't have to.

    I love it when cars fix themselves.

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