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Thread: A few questions about SEAT (...ok a lot)

  1. #1
    braaad Guest

    A few questions about SEAT (...ok a lot)

    Hi everyone, I am looking at buying a '99 SEAT Ibiza Cupra Gti. The car is in awesome condition and I was ready to buy it until I rang around asking about parts...

    I'll give you the run down of what I know (or think I know) and what I have found out. The engine and running gear are from the Golf Gti and from what I could tell the interior except for the gauges are from the same generation Polo. From what I know that is as far as the similiarities go with the VW's. Is this correct?

    Now from what I have heard the only place in Aus that sells SEAT parts anymore is "SEAT parts" in Sydney. I rang the local (Brisbane) VW place that supposedly sells the parts locally and he said they dont "sell" SEAT parts they "try" to source them from VW parts and also from "SEAT Parts" (apparently they dont have much). His personal advice was to not touch them with a 40 foot pole as it's quite possible that a part will go that you won't be able to get a replacement for.

    Now I am new to SEATs (obviously) so can someone please give me the honest run down on parts, the seller tells me one story, VW parts tell me another and SEAT Parts tell me nothing as no one answered the phone

    It's a shame to leave this car and I was REALLY dissapointed but I don't want to be stuck with a rather expensive paper weight if something dies that I can't replace.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Common stuff like filters, brake parts, service items are easy to get as they usually have VW numbers too. A great many running gear items have the same inter changeability.

    Where you may come up against snags is with body parts and interior stuff. At worst you can get them from the UK if RHD only or somewhere in Europe otherwise.

    I wouldn't let that worry me when considering this purchase. Plenty of folk on here, me included, have the contacts to remove that pain.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Peregian Beach

    I'm probably not a lot of help because I have only had my 1999 Seat Cupra Sport 2.0 16v for about 6 weeks. I bought it as a non runner - regular visitors to this site will remember it advertised for sale here. It was luckily reasonably easy with the generous help of ABHVW and G60JAY to get it running and registered. The parts needed to get it running were all standard Golf bits that they either had sitting around at theirs or were purchased locally in Brisbane - Imparts or genuine VW.

    I took it to my mate at Bruce Nambour Radiator Works. I had to get the aircon fixed - it needed a new condensor and obviously regas no problem sourcing the part.

    It needed new brake pads fitted (they are the same as my wife's Vento so I had a box of new pads in the garage) oill change and filter (standard Golf). I have purchased a pair of new front disc rotors from Imparts.

    Ian at Austral Parts has been very helpful in supplying parts quotations but so far I haven't had to purchase anything from him. The prices quoted are pretty steep but then most genuine VW parts prices are simillarly steep in my humble opinion, particularly when compared with VW dealer prices in the UK or the US.

    Golf Loon has also offered to source parts for Seats and I understand that he has a fair bit of experience with them. So far My 'Beeza' has cost me over$6,500 to get it to what it is not including a few hours of my sons and my labour but so far apart from the fact that it doesn't go as well as I had hoped I am happy that I bought it.

    I don't have any knowledge of 'SEAT parts'.

    I would recommend you go for it. It's a fun car and hopefully will be more fun when I can get it going a bit harder. My wife and the kids love it.

    2001 Bora 4 Motion Sport now used by number two son
    2011 Skoda Octavia Scout now with Underground Performance tune
    2010 Jetta 125 tdi dsg for the misses - Impressed
    2006 Polo GTI - Enhanced by some of Gav's magic - Absolutely loving it

  4. #4
    braaad Guest
    Thanks a lot for the info guys! I'll be sure to keep you posted on what I do, and if I do purchase it im sure you will see me on here quite a bit

    Just one more question, the only fault I can pick up with the car is a sticky clutch pedal. I have read about problems with the clutch cable is this what they are referring too?
    Last edited by braaad; 29-12-2006 at 07:04 AM.

  5. #5
    gpk_gti Guest
    I agree with h100vw,SEATS share most parts with vw,just some parts of the interior and some parts of the exterior to distinguish between the two.This is the same obviously with SKODA.During my travels through Southern europe I saw many models that VW had pinched from their "sister".one that comes to mind is the cordoba as a 4 door POLO!,just had a different front grill.
    Recently over here I looked at a Porsche CAYENNE.many parts of the interior are shared with the VW toureg.Check the light switch.And isnt the new v6 Cayenne a VW sourced motor????
    Wouldnt worry me buying a Seat.I did read in the paper recently SEAT are thinking of making a comeback to Aust.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
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    SEATs are great.
    On the Ibiza, every part is available locally.
    VW dealers are mostly unhelpfull with regards to SEAT, you need to know part numbers and ask for the Golf part that is the same as your SEAT part.
    I sell secondhand and new parts for them and send stuff all over Australia, usually to places with unhelpful local VW dealers. I have all the hard to find trim and panels.
    Any help you need, thats why we are here on this forum.
    Welcome and I hope you buy and enjoy the Cupra.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ashfield NSW
    I bought my cupra back in '03, a friends father, who still owns 2, told me i wouldnt regret it. He was right. Its not the quickest car ive been in, but it's strength, i think, is its handling. Even with 120.000kms on the clock, Ive surprised a few porsche pilots on the windy bits. Safer and better built than anything similar in my opinion. Better looking too.
    Since joining this forum ive been able to find all the the parts and info i needed without going to SEAT, thanks to the watercooled members. Saved a fortune.
    Cupra 20VT

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Lowood Qld
    Users Country Flag


    Hi braad and a few

    Golf Loon is yer man for parts
    ships stuff anywhere and fast.
    I live nr you Gympie way (Curra) and will need a few body panels etc from Loon soon*.
    My Cordoba is on 260,000 and i just drove it to Coffs and back
    640 kms to the 45Ltank. no probs
    just need to fit the aircon compr i bt off Loon last year. and regas
    may have to go to Nambour ha ha

    any quotes here??
    Oh and Braad i bt a 95 Cordoba am repairing* after a slight smash, done 156,000 which i will prob sell. My daughter has a 97 mine is 96
    frooooom wid da speschill exhaust.
    Can help out if u need stuff and info
    bernie / karmen
    german - english translations esp vw documents!!

    Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,

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