Hi braad and a few
Golf Loon is yer man for parts
ships stuff anywhere and fast.
I live nr you Gympie way (Curra) and will need a few body panels etc from Loon soon*.
My Cordoba is on 260,000 and i just drove it to Coffs and back
640 kms to the 45Ltank. no probs
just need to fit the aircon compr i bt off Loon last year. and regas
may have to go to Nambour ha ha
any quotes here??
Oh and Braad i bt a 95 Cordoba am repairing* after a slight smash, done 156,000 which i will prob sell. My daughter has a 97 mine is 96
frooooom wid da speschill exhaust.
Can help out if u need stuff and info
bernie / karmen
german - english translations esp vw documents!!
Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,