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Thread: Which exhaust should i get?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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    Question Which exhaust should i get?

    Hi all
    Ok im getting the rear muffler replaced with a sports one but im not sure what will sound best i have a 1995 SEAT Cordoba GLX 1.8 auto and will be getting it fitted at True Flow exhausts so here are the options buy a Cannon from autobarn=$90 and they will fit it for $80, get a hot dog from them and fitted=$150 or an oval sports exhaust from them fitted=$150.....which will sound best i want a smooth sound not one that will crackle or pop and not be so loud that i look like a total douche...Please help

    What about replacing the front muffler with a hot dog and then replacing the rear muffler with one of the above options(no clue of cost as i never asked) this legal and will doing this make it too loud
    Last edited by MENESS; 08-09-2011 at 05:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Sydney, NSW
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    Hi there, would suggest better quality mufflers like magnaflow or at least ones that have thick gauge metal construction and better
    internals. I'm sure a good exhaust place can advise you about this. The thinner guage material found on cheaper mufflers resonate and are loud, especially when the packing in them flies out after a while. I've used hot dogs but on my track car and they are loud.
    You will get a good tone using quality centre and rear mufflers.
    Last edited by fred27; 09-09-2011 at 03:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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    Hi fred i have decided to go for a cat back system from true flow exhausts which is 2.25inch system with cut out front muffler and rear hot dog(am confused if the rear hot dog will be placed so it sticks out like an exhaust) im just hoping its not going to be too loud...however if so i was thinking i could always add another hot dog as a front muffler...On the subject about quality im really not sure about true flows materials however he did frown when i mentioned autobarn mufflers so im hopng it will be of decent quality for the total price of $ taking home the stock system as a back up because the police in my town can be lets just say nit picky when they are bored. Do you know if the rear hot dog will act as the exhaust or will i need to buy a tip?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Hot dogs are noisy, tips won't do anything for noise control. Have a look at your rear muffler and ask for a similar sized one. I'm not sure about your particular exhaust system. The Golfs have a centre (also called the suitcase on this forum) and a rear muffler. To give you an idea, there is a picture of one on ebay. The noise will attract the police and make the inside of your car unpleasant with droning and resonances by using a hot dog or muffler too small.
    Last edited by fred27; 12-09-2011 at 09:25 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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    Thanks again for all the info i went with a 2inch cat back with a single hotdog(i think a 12inch) on the rear its loud but i dont think its too offensive its hard to tell because im always the one driving and yes cabin noise/drone is pretty loud i had a headache everytime i drove for about a week until i adjusted to it now i love the cabin noise and i have had the exhaust for 6 weeks now. I have yet to be pulled over for the noise but i dont drive like a wang which is probably what gets you in trouble most...the tone is nice and deep and with some crackling(i think mostly on down changing from 3rd to 2nd) i should post a video up to maybe help other ppl decide.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW
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    happy to help, you could add another muffler in the middle later on. It will quieten it down a bit and smooth the tone.


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