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Thread: Cupra Windscreen!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Users Country Flag

    Cupra Windscreen!!!

    Good morning all,
    requesting some knowledge from other Cupra and Ibiza owners. I had my windscreen crack around the rear vision mirror on Monday. Quick call to NRMA and an hour later O'Brien were calling to book me in. My doubts of a new one been in the country were unfounded when they said they had one in stock for my Cupra. ALMOST.... when got to work shop the glass appears to be right size but the rear vision mirror position doesn't match mine. Being only glass left in country and me needing to pass rego next day we decided to fit it. So my mirror is fitted to bare glass for now. O'Brien are now trying to source the right screen but all there info doesn't match my original. My question is where are everyones mirrors mounted. My original was mounted on a Black screen printed 40 mm diameter circle 160 mm down from the top edge of the windscreen. The temporary windscreen has a black screen print patch at top of screen which is too high for my mirror. Rikk at O'Brien in Minto has been outstanding trying to find it through the official paths; although the 'official' Seat support in the county, Autohaus, have been there usual useful selves. When O'Brien themselves called to see if they had any left in Seat stock, they weren't sure and suggested calling a windscreen place.....
    O'Brien has kept my screen, taken photos and measurements trying to find one. They also fitted over last 12 months the same model of windscreen to 100 or so cars so a few of you out there may be some help.
    admittedly it is mostly cosmetic issue but everyone just wants to get correct screens in stock; especially for all the other Cupra's out there at the unfortunate time they need one.
    Sorry for the small novel and thanks in advance for help.
    1999 Seat Ibiza GTi Cupra Sport, Alpine White.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    There were 52 Cupras sold in Oz, so its unlikely to be a major concern to O`Briens.

    Cupras and maybe 99model Cordobas are different to the earlier screens.

    I have a second hand one that is the one you want, but I know you`d rather have a newy.

    Good luck in the quest, let us know how you fare.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ashfield NSW

    Went through the same problem years ago when a golf ball hit mine. Seems theres about 4 or 5 versions for the ibiza's for some unknown reason. Anyway Carsautohaus sourced one for my cupra from Adelaide or Melbourne. They charged the golf course $450. I reckn you could ask Obriens to see if they could get one. I'll give you all the numbers an stuff printed on it:

    DOT 298M22AS1

    Just warn you now, go easy on those rubber/plastic strips that run across the roof an down the side of the screen they have to be moved to fit the screen, there easy to bend an they crease up an look **** after that


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