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Thread: Cordoba wont start, electrical gremlins?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Roseville Sydney

    Cordoba wont start, electrical gremlins?

    Hi guys, as mentioned a thread or so ago I recently (very recently) became the owner of a 97 Cordoba. Until yesterday it ran like a dream, started strong first time every time and felt great. Yesterday night I jumped in, turned the key and nothing happened... The powers clearly on and the battery seems strong, windows still working and headlights bright... So I bump started down the road and it ran like a dream again. Got home, same thing...
    Opened the bonnet and tried again and again cant hear any click or anything from the starter, It's just like I'm not turning the ignition key. I wiggled all the fuses and pretty much wriggled everything under the bonnet, after about 20 minutes of this and multiple attempts she fired up, strong as ever.

    Today I jumped in and it started strong, drove to work fine and it started again when I needed to go out at lunch. Come hometime however Same thing... I played around for ages when I got home and I cant find the issue.

    So I'm wondering, does this happen when there is an immobiliser issue with the key possibly? Or could it be a fuse or starter motor issue? Or am I missing something obvious



  2. #2
    Join Date
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    When it doesn't start, do you mean that it won't turn over or that it turns over but doesn't fire?

    These are 2 different symptoms.

    Doesn't turn over could be the starter or the ignition switch. I'd go for the switch.

    Doesn't fire could be immobilisation but you have said it bump starts ok or maybe even a bad hall sender.

    Let us know which it is.


  3. #3
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    Try lifting the key as you turn it. I`d suspect ignition switch.

    If you have loads of keys on your keyring, take em off.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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  4. #4
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    Cheers for the answers guy's. No it doesn't turn over at all when I turn the key in the ignition. I used to have a Audi GT coupe back in the day which had the starter fail and you would at least hear a tap when you turned the key, with this one there's nothing.

    I've tried lifting the key in the ignition but with no success, and there's nothing hanging off it to weigh it down. I went to get dinner earlier and it wouldn't start, then when I went to drive home it started first time... I hate intermittant faults Is there any way to play with the ignition switch to see if it's the culprit?

  5. #5
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    Buy a new one and plug it in. You still need the key to get the ignition lock off.

    Start with a flat blade screwdriver. No failed starts in 2 days, fit it properly.


  6. #6
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    Sounds like a plan, I'll ring around to try and find a new one tomorrow

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    I will do, thanks for the advice guys. Fingers crossed this gets to the bottom of it...

    I've got to say it's fantastic having a resource like this, after owning a bunch of uncommon European cars over the years it's a great thing to be able to communicate with other owners who may have had the same or similar issues previously.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    Speak to Golf loon first, he probably has them on the shelf.

    Thanks Gav, I sure do. $45 to your door.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Well I was on my way to pick up an ignition switch off Golf Loon when the car pooed itself... I noticed as soon as it bumpstarted that idle felt a little lumpy, then as I hit the freeway I noticed that the engine would kind of judder at about 3000 rpm. I pulled off the freeway to check things out and as I headed up a hill so I could have a look it felt like it had no tourque...
    When I stopped I left the car idling and popped the bonnet to check the leads as it felt like it might be down a cylinder or not firing correctly. Every spark plug lead I touch gave me an eletric shock and I noticed I could see it arcing near the bulkhead where theres a plug. Shut it off and rebumped her, no better... lumped her round a corner and parked her.. I've got a feeling she's going on the back of a truck to Golf Loon's soon, see if we cant get to the bottom of this

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