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Thread: Cordoba idle question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Beaumont Hills

    Cordoba idle question

    Hi, Just wondering if you have any ideas on the following, bought the cordoba a couple of months ago and it is going very well. Had it running today in the great weather with the air conditioning on and when I was idling with the aircon on the idle was at about 2200rpm. Whe the aircon was turned off I then had normal idle of around 900-1000rpm.

    Any ideas why or how to adjust?

    Yesterday I did have the battery out of the car, but all seems to works.


    1995 Seat Cordoba - Red GLX -Written Off
    1995 Seat Cordoba - Red GLX - Sold
    1995 Seat Cordoba - Silver GLX Fell Apart
    1996 Seat Cordoba GLX - White - Going Strong

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Lowood Qld
    Users Country Flag
    there is no adjustment as it is a efi computer (says so under my bonnet of 95)
    my 96 * been adjusted. But your timing at the ditributer may be out but reconnecting the battery may have readjusted the set-up/
    how's it now? u may have an air leak in the rubber breather hose set-up near engine.

    * My 96 Cordy has been adjusted to run on unleaded @ the dizzy and has so for the last 8 years and ca 120,ooo kms no probs no pings and still 6.5 L /100kms
    now on 288,000 kms mtr untouched cept for clutch and a/c pump!
    german - english translations esp vw documents!!

    Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Beaumont Hills
    Thread Starter

    Hi Karman,

    I hav found a small piece of plastic that was somehow getting stuck on the throttle cable. Also the cable was loose at the firewall so i have tightened it up.
    Seems to have fixed the problem. We took the car a nice 800km run on the weekend fully loaded with four people and luggage to Diamond Beach from Sydney return. SHe went perfectly and was really pulling well up hills in 5th. Also runnng economically at around 6.1L/100km. Aircon was on and working well without any idle problems. So I will leave it alone for the moment.
    1995 Seat Cordoba - Red GLX -Written Off
    1995 Seat Cordoba - Red GLX - Sold
    1995 Seat Cordoba - Silver GLX Fell Apart
    1996 Seat Cordoba GLX - White - Going Strong


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