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Thread: 1999 Seat Cordoba Troubles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
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    1999 Seat Cordoba Troubles

    Hi all,

    Just as a way of introduction - I'm driving a blue 1999 SEAT Cordoba, with 145ks or so on the clock. Apart from an issue with bad paint (flaking and bubbling quite badly I'm afraid) this car has been fantastic ever since I bought it (approx 1 1/2 years or so now).

    One issue that I do have, which has been somewhat of a constant problem - is the clutch cable. Not long after I first bought it, the cable snapped. I had noticed before this that the clutch was a bit heavy - but I attributed this to normal for the cordoba. I replaced the clutch cable (for about $200 or so brand new!), all was good and went on my merry way.

    Well today, the clutch cable snapped again! I think there may be something else going on here, as surely the clutch cable should last a lot longer than 6-9 months! I'm thinking that there is something wearing it out prematurely..but have not much mechanical know how unfortunately.

    I'm in Adelaide - anyone have much experience with this issue, or can recommend someone who might be good with this?

    Thanks for your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    What engine do you have in the car?

    Go to Imparts on Main North Road for all your bits too.

    Was the cable routed correctly, that would be one way that it would wear quickly.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
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    Hi - I've got the 1.6 - not sure about the cable routing - I assume it was correct. I'll check out Imparts - thanks.


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