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Thread: Potential buyers beware - Scirocco R (CVR 36W) "Dealer executive" HA!

  1. #1
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    Potential buyers beware - Scirocco R (CVR 36W) "Dealer executive" HA!

    Hi ladies and gents,

    Just had a browse at this vehicle on carsales and at VW Five Dock on the weekend and noticed something strange about it.
    There were barely any details of the vehicle except that it was "a Volkswagen Australia dealer executive vehicle".

    It sure bloody was!

    Advert with no information at all: 2015 Volkswagen Scirocco R 1S Auto MY15

    It was a test vehicle for car mags, reviewers and weekend warrior friends of VW, steer clear of this car as the gearbox was hopping mad when I drove it around at 60km/h.

  2. #2
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    +1 on Buyer beware and from what I hear never go for a used "former executive car" for the reasons mentioned above for any vehicle just buy brand new. Nice post btw Hail this may really help some people and am sure it already has.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by R1me8 View Post
    +1 on Buyer beware and from what I hear never go for a used "former executive car" for the reasons mentioned above for any vehicle just buy brand new. Nice post btw Hail this may really help some people and am sure it already has.
    Found this during my lunch break:

    Hilarious! xD

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hail22 View Post
    Found this during my lunch break:

    Hilarious! xD

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH wow this guy is great!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
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    Thanks Hail22

    Thanks for the heads up on both counts - the adds and the video link
    The video
    WOW what an eye opener !!

    Quote Originally Posted by R1me8 View Post
    +1 on Buyer beware and from what I hear never go for a used "former executive car" for the reasons mentioned above for any vehicle just buy brand new. Nice post btw Hail this may really help some people and am sure it already has.
    You are right on there !!

    Have been looking at the Rocc for quite a while now and watching the Carsales adds
    Often wondered where the cars with 1500kms came from
    For a very low sales volume car there seemed to be a lot of "demonstrators"
    Then on the other hand, been for about 4 test drives all different dealers
    and none were demonstrators - they took a new car from the showroom floor
    Hmmmmm - strange

    Did recall reading "executive" in one of the adds
    so the assumption was that VW head office must use them and move them on
    Seemed plausible but why Sciroccos ?
    Would be cheaper for them to use Golfs, but then life is stranger than fiction

    My rationale was that 1500kms with an "executive" would probably not be much worse than it will get from me all the time
    So with cost savings being offered was thinking of going that way - as they say, a dollar saved is a dollar earned
    But when I read your post the decision was new or nothing

    Anyway we dodged the bullet - see below
    Once again I say THANK YOU for the post

    Now, the long story short
    My son is involved with the purchase of this car and we had been talking with one particular dealer
    He had been a lot more helpful than the others and showed us on the computer the list of future cars coming to Oz
    Quite interesting, showed those waiting to be delivered, those on the water, those being produced and those planned
    By entering the build codes he narrowed it down to the white DSG cars.
    We discussed price but as we were not ready to order it was "generalised" but looked encouraging

    A week or so later, my son was looking at Carsales and there was a new MY15 for $50K drive away, 20kms on the clock
    He had what he though was that dealers card on his desk and rang to see if they would match that deal
    Turned out he rang the "wrong" dealer - not the one we had been talking to but another a bit closer
    Anyway the dealer said he would beat any deal we could get.
    Yeah, we've all heard that before
    Turned out that he (dealer) had been looking at the Sciroccos just before my son rang so knew what was available etc
    Car will be leased but can't be picked up end of December
    So dealer made him an offer there and then -
    an MY16 (the new model that's not released yet) white DSG $48,500 drive away end December, 0kms
    That is about the same they are asking for the MY15 "demonstrators"

    Last weekend we went and put down the deposit
    Car has just arrived in Oz and will be complied end of next month and should arrive at the dealer in October
    I can take it for 1 test drive and visit any time I want during the looooong wait till December
    So we're stoked

    But once again I thank you bringing this into daylight
    Last edited by Blue103TDIDSG; 29-08-2015 at 09:16 AM.

  6. #6
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    You're most welcome and you need to know something dirty about VW / certain VW stealerships.

    Once the car is put on as a demonstrator VWAG gives the dealer $1,000 cash back and $100 for every 100kms the vehicle drives (fuel, consumables cost cover etc).

    Some food for thought there, stealerships will always try to steal.

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