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Thread: Oil Temperature and Synthetic Oils

  1. #11
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    Wow, nice of you to carry out a personal attack! Seesh!

  2. #12
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    The car went for a check up with Five Dock Barloworld to work out why the Engine Warning light keeps coming up. It has been back three times and looked at four times and they don't know how to fix it. It has been back at by Blacktown, Hornsby & Five Dock.

    Last time Five Dock kept the car for a week to review and fix.
    This was about three months ago. I assume they would have checked the oil level as they kept the car for a week. They are the authorized and trained specialists for servicing my car.

    The car is nearly two years old, it has been back to service departments at least 6 times now. It is safe to assume that VW Service would check all the required car fluid levels every time I go in.

    It would be going back to service close to around every three to four months.

    As you mentioned you only check your oil levels around every three months or so, my schedule of service visits should be fine to keep it all in tip top shape.

    I know, I wish I could get a fuel free car, maybe one of the super fast electric Tesla's Just need a power point and a few hours
    (just need to make sure I don't hit anything that will cause it to catch fire)

  3. #13
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    And we would know all this other information how?

    No personal attack & you continue to dig your own hole by assuming other people have carried out basic maintenance tasks for you. Have a good look on this forum at the amount of people that get low oil lights because "modern cars shouldn't use oil". If you take the time to read your manual I think you'll find they recommend every fuel refill as a starting point for checking the fluid levels.

    I've worked with "trained professionals" in many fields & often they prove to be pretty stupid & they overlook the basics. Aussie mechanics are trained at about 50% of the skill level of their Euro counterparts. Maybe 1 in 10 are at a sufficient level to honestly wear the badge of "technician". Our training system is pretty lousy & they are learning from incompetent practical supervisors as well.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by preeman View Post
    Well. Today my Check Oil Amber warning graphic turned on in the car. This car is a joke. A new problem for me to deal with.

    I wonder when the dealers are going to be open.

    Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
    So, you're worried about the engine oil temperature and you don't bother to check the oil level in your engine? Why?
    The luck of oil will lead to overheating and the oil will start breaking down - mineral or synthetic it won't matter.
    Don't worry about what oil is specified to be used in the engine by manufacturer, the synthetic oils are used in engines for many years. they get changed on regular basis.
    As the driver and the owner of the car, you should get familiar with the basic maintenance that is outlined in the owner's manual in the vehicle glovebox. Simply said you need to check the fluids under the bonnet that should be checked, check your tyres every 500km or when you refuel.

  5. #15
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    You went well down the path of labeling me a Joke. That is directed at me [squarely], thus making it personal.

    You could have chosen so many other ways of highlighting the importance of regular checks instead of picking one with malice.

  6. #16
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    If you take the time to read your manual I think you'll find they recommend every fuel refill as a starting point for checking the fluid levels.
    You are such a proponent of checking fluids and even highlight that I should be doing it at every fuel stop and you don't do it? Your old post states you do it every three or so months. Bit different to what you are preaching here.

    dig your own hole by assuming other people have carried out basic maintenance tasks for you
    I am paying for a qualified, certified and trained professional to do a job. I am confident that Volkswagen keep a high standard.

    the amount of people that get low oil lights because "modern cars shouldn't use oil".
    That is not my problem, if you read the Scirocco sub-forum you will know the history of my car and the issues that I am facing with it. This is just something on top and thus frustrating.

    Using Oil? My others cars have been Japanese made. Including a RX8, I know about Oil use. Have to say though compared to my Scirocco the Japanese cars have been more reliable and more trouble free.

    Our Audi is now just over a year old and has only had a single window issue and Audi fixed that promptly. A world of difference in the experiences between the Volkswagen and the rest.

    I've worked with "trained professionals" in many fields & often they prove to be pretty stupid & they overlook the basics. Aussie mechanics are trained at about 50% of the skill level of their Euro counterparts. Maybe 1 in 10 are at a sufficient level to honestly wear the badge of "technician". Our training system is pretty lousy & they are learning from incompetent practical supervisors as well.
    That sounds horrible. I am shocked that Volkswagen would let that happen. I have had a tour of their head offices and seen all the training bays, yards and rooms for their technical updates.
    Five Dock are even proud to say that they have an R division as they are trained better than the rest of standard Volkswagen mechanics.

    I doubt Volkswagen are happy to waste thousands of man-hours on training and 10s of thousands of dollars on training to get a 1 out 10 qualified technician in VW.

    The worst part about all you have said above is that it seems to be acceptable?

    What you are saying is:

    * The only way to keep my car going smoothly is NOT TO GO TO trained, certified, professional people to do the job.
    * An unqualified, untrained, uncertified, unprofessional consumer is the answer.
    If this is what Volkswagen Service is like, I have wasted a lot of money paying these Service agents.

  7. #17
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    I asked about the Temperature as I did not know what I should expect.

    As with the Oil, I expected the trained, certified, professional people at Volkswagen Service to do their work correctly. I am sure every service interval includes a fluid check as a bare minimum. I haven't checked my Oil every time I fill up, however I do check my tyre pressure pretty much every time I fill up. This usually ends up being once a week if not, once a fortnight or sometime in-between.

    My last checkup of the car was three months ago, I am sure the R specialists would have checked the fluids when looking for faults in the engine.
    The problem now is either:

    * They didn't do the basics
    * My car has chewed a lot of oil in three months

    Wait to find out, after I see them tomorrow.

    Also looking at the Owner's manual or the Supplement. Volkswagen doesn't even list what type of oil to use.
    It is marked with a "_b)" "b) Figures were not available at time of publication."

    The manuals are not even complete.

    I may have bought the first Scirocco R that was sold in Australia, back in December 2011. I wonder if the cars sold in 2012 or 2013 have completed manuals or Supplements.

  8. #18
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    Well don't know about every 3 months I check my cars oil and water EVERY WEEK whether I use it or not.

    Never know when a hose can split or a bolt can come loose.

    As for a dealer "Should " check.

    They do what is stated in the book for the repair they are doing and that's all UNLESS YOU TELL THEM TO DO IT.

    Time is money, extra work costs them if they aren't getting paid for it.

    IF you trust a dealership to do all this I think you need a reality check Its your car Do the checks yourself and you will know they are done.

    I dip the oil before I drive it away after a service. Have been caught before.

    Some have come on here and said they don't check oil between services They need their head read.

    I drove heavy vehicles for a few years We checked oil, water, fuel and tyres EVERY MORNING whether the vehicle was used the day before or not.
    If we didn't and something went wrong due to our slackness it was LOOK FOR A NEW JOB.

    One I was driving blew a turbo when I was backing off to stop . Luckily wasn't driver error as it cost mega $ to fix in a Scania.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  9. #19
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    Oil Service is part of every service, so they are getting paid for it.

    The experience and expectation that you now have is rare. The mass market will never know your experience or understand it.

    Also imagine how many car owners don't even join a forum to ask questions or clarify anything. Why should they?

    I just happen to ask questions because I want to know.

    I find it strange that many places I ask suggest oil service every 5,000 to 10,000 instead of the service interval. I ask Volkswagen they say not needed. VW should know way more about the car than other mechanics. VW designed and engineered the whole thing?

    Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by preeman View Post

    Oil Service is part of every service, so they are getting paid for it.

    The experience and expectation that you now have is rare. The mass market will never know your experience or understand it.

    Also imagine how many car owners don't even join a forum to ask questions or clarify anything. Why should they?

    I just happen to ask questions because I want to know.

    I find it strange that many places I ask suggest oil service every 5,000 to 10,000 instead of the service interval. I ask Volkswagen they say not needed. VW should know way more about the car than other mechanics. VW designed and engineered the whole thing?

    Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
    You said " It is safe to assume that VW Service would check all the required car fluid levels every time I go in".

    You didn't say what for so I was right to assume that they should check it when you go in no matter what for.

    If you went for scheduled service of course. You could have gone in for an unrelated problem and they wouldn't.

    Where are the strange places you asked Do they have any perception of VW service intervals.

    The ones who don't join forums probably read and understand the manual and have enough nous to check things themselves.

    Also I see reading through your posts you have different sized wheels and talking about 1/4 mile times

    Both will do nothing to enhance your reliability issues
    Last edited by Guest001; 26-12-2013 at 07:46 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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